VB 5/6-Tipp 0762: Logarithmische Darstellungen I - halblogarithmische Skala
von Klaus Langbein
In wissenschaftlichen Anwendungen ist es gelegentlich von Vorteil, Kurven auf logarithmischen Skalen darzustellen. Hier wird anhand der Gaussschen Glockenkuve gezeigt, wie dies mit VB-Mitteln bewerkstelligt werden kann. Die Ausgabe der Kurve erfolgt ähnlich wie bei Kurven mit linearer Skala. Innerhalb der Skalierungsfunktion, hier yyc(), wird jedoch logarithmiert, um die y-Position in Einheiten des Ausgabegeräts (Picturebox, Drucker) zu berechnen.
Die Gauß'sche Glockenkurve hat in halblogarithmischer Darstellung die Form einer Parabel.
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' ' Die Gauß'sche Glockenkurve hat in halblogarithmischer Darstellung ' die Form einer Parabel. ' ' K. Langbein, ActiveVB.de, 2007 'Option Explicit ' Für Warmduscher Dim xFact As Double Dim yFact As Double Dim xOff As Long Dim yOff As Long Dim xMax As Double Dim yMax As Double Dim xMin As Double Dim yMin As Double Dim LowDecY As Long Dim HighDecY As Long Dim MarginLeft As Double Dim MarginRight As Double Dim MarginTop As Double Dim MarginBottom As Double Dim n As Double Dim x As Double Dim y As Double Private Function MiniArrow(Ctrl As Object, _ ByVal x1 As Double, _ ByVal y1 As Double, _ ByVal x2 As Double, _ ByVal y2 As Double, _ Optional ByVal Arrow$, _ Optional CreateNew As Boolean _ ) As Long ' Zeichnet Linie und Pfeilspitze für Linien mit einem Winkel ' von 0, 90, 180, 270° oder Winkeln, die nahe an den angeg. Werten ' liegen. Static xp() As Double Static yp() As Double Static cnt As Long Dim r As Double Dim x() As Double Dim y() As Double Dim dx As Double Dim dy As Double Dim Alpha As Double Dim SinA As Double Dim CosA As Double Dim sm As Long Const Pi = 3.14159265358979 Dim i As Long Dim j As Long Dim t$() sm = Ctrl.ScaleMode x1 = Ctrl.ScaleX(x1, sm, 3) x2 = Ctrl.ScaleX(x2, sm, 3) y1 = Ctrl.ScaleY(y1, sm, 3) y2 = Ctrl.ScaleY(y2, sm, 3) Ctrl.ScaleMode = 3 dx = x2 - x1 dy = y2 - y1 r = Sqr(dx ^ 2 + dy ^ 2) Alpha = Atn(dy / (dx + 1E-300)) If dx < 0 Then Alpha = Alpha + Pi End If If Arrow$ = "" Then Arrow$ = "7,3,1,1,2,1,2,2,3,2,4,2,1,3,2,3,3,3,4,3,5,3,6,3,2,4,3,4,4,4,1,5,2,5" End If If cnt = 0 Or CreateNew = True Then t() = Split(Arrow$, ",") cnt = ((UBound(t) - 1) / 2) ReDim xp(cnt) ReDim yp(cnt) For i = 0 To UBound(t()) Step 2 xp(j) = Val(t(i)) yp(j) = Val(t(i + 1)) j = j + 1 Next i End If dx = x1 + r - xp(0) dy = y1 - yp(0) ReDim x(cnt) ReDim y(cnt) For i = 1 To cnt x(i) = dx + xp(i) y(i) = dy + yp(i) Next i SinA = Sin(Alpha) CosA = Cos(Alpha) If Alpha <> 0 Then For i = 1 To cnt dx = x(i) - x1 dy = y(i) - y1 x(i) = (x1 + CosA * dx - SinA * dy) y(i) = (y1 + SinA * dx + CosA * dy) Next i End If Ctrl.Line (x1, y1)-(x2, y2) For i = 0 To cnt Ctrl.PSet (x(i), y(i)) Next i Ctrl.ScaleMode = sm ' Scalemode zurücksetzen End Function Private Function DrawGauss() Dim xStep As Double Dim x As Double Dim y As Double Picture1.ForeColor = vbBlue Picture1.DrawWidth = 1 x = xMin y = Exp(-x ^ 2) Picture1.PSet (xxc(x), yyc(y)) ' Ersten Punkt setzen xStep = 10 ^ (LowDecY + 1) ' Schrittweite muß so angepasst werden, dass ' auch bei den niederwertigen Dekaden ' noch genügend Shritte entstehen For x = xMin To xMax Step xStep y = Exp(-x ^ 2) If y <> 0 Then Picture1.Line -(xxc(x), yyc(y)) End If Next x End Function Private Function DrawScale() Dim Decade As Long Dim Grey As Long Dim ys As Double Dim ye As Double Dim k As Long Dim c As Long Dim Fmt$ Dim Txt$ Dim tx$ Dim th As Single Dim tw As Single Dim xx As Long Dim yy As Long Dim xxmin As Long Dim xxmax As Long Dim yymin As Long Dim yymax As Long Dim dx As Double Picture1.Cls Set Picture1.Picture = Nothing Picture1.DrawWidth = 1 Picture1.FontName = "Arial" Picture1.FontSize = 8 Picture1.FontBold = False th = Picture1.TextHeight("H") Grey = 220 Grey = RGB(Grey, Grey, Grey) xxmin = xxc(xMin) xxmax = xxc(xMax) yymin = yyc(yMin) yymax = yyc(yMax) ' Rahmen Picture1.Line (xxmin, yymax)-(xxmax, yymin), Grey, B ' Vertikale Gitterlinien For x = xMin To xMax Step (xMax - xMin) / 26 xx = xxc(x) Picture1.Line (xx, yymax)-(xx, yymin), Grey Next x ' Horizontale Gitterlinien (logarithmisch in Y) For Decade = LowDecY To HighDecY ys = 10 ^ Decade ye = 10 ^ (Decade + 1) For y = ys + k * ys To ye + (ys / 1000) Step ys yy = yyc(y) Picture1.Line (xxmin, yy)-(xxmax, yy), Grey Fmt$ = "0" If Decade < 0 Then Fmt$ = Fmt$ & "." & String$(Abs(Decade), "0") End If Txt = Format$(y, Fmt$) tx = Replace(Txt, "0", "") tx = Replace(tx, ".", "") tx = Replace(tx, ",", "") Select Case tx Case 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8 tw = Picture1.TextWidth(Txt) Picture1.CurrentX = MarginLeft - 50 - tw Picture1.CurrentY = yy - th / 2 Picture1.ForeColor = 0 Picture1.Print Txt End Select Next y k = 1 ' bewirkt, dass außer beim 1. Durchlauf ' bei y=(ys+ys) angefangen wird. Next Decade Picture1.ForeColor = 0 Picture1.DrawWidth = 1 ' Schwarze Linien (horizontal) für volle Dekaden For Decade = LowDecY To HighDecY yy = yyc(10 ^ Decade) Picture1.Line (xxmin, yy)-(xxmax, yy) Next Decade ' Vertikale Mittellinie bei x=0 Picture1.Line (xxc(0), yymax)-(xxc(0), yymin) Picture1.DrawWidth = 1 ' Hier evtl. DrawWidth = 2 setzen Picture1.Line (xxmin, yymax)-(xxmax, yymin), , B ' Achsbeschriftung x yy = yymin + 20 Picture1.CurrentY = yy For x = -2.4 To xMax Step 0.4 x = Round(x, 2) ' wird aufgrund von Rechenfehlern benötigt xx = xxc(x) Txt$ = Format$(x, "0.0") tw = Picture1.TextWidth(Txt$) / 2 If x < 0 Then dx = 90 Else dx = 45 End If Picture1.CurrentX = xx - tw / 2 - dx Picture1.Print Txt$; Next x ' Legende X-Achse Txt$ = "x" Picture1.FontSize = 10 Picture1.FontBold = True tw = Picture1.TextWidth(Txt$) Picture1.CurrentX = xxmin + (xxmax - xxmin) / 2 - tw / 2 Picture1.CurrentY = yymin + 250 Picture1.Print Txt$; th = Picture1.TextHeight(Txt$) xx = Picture1.CurrentX + 100 yy = Picture1.CurrentY + th / 2 Call MiniArrow(Picture1, xx, yy, xx + 500, yy) ' Legende Y-Achse Txt$ = "y" Picture1.CurrentX = MarginLeft - 800 Picture1.CurrentY = Picture1.ScaleHeight / 2 Picture1.Print Txt$; tw = Picture1.TextWidth(Txt$) xx = MarginLeft - 800 + tw / 2 yy = Picture1.CurrentY - 50 Call MiniArrow(Picture1, xx, yy, xx, yy - 500) ' Überschrift Picture1.FontSize = 11 Picture1.FontBold = False Txt$ = "Gauß'sche Glockenkurve in halblogarithmischer Darstellung" tw = Picture1.TextWidth(Txt$) Picture1.CurrentY = 300 Picture1.CurrentX = MarginLeft + (xxmax - xxmin) / 2 - tw / 2 Picture1.Print Txt$ ' Beschriftung in Grafik Picture1.FontSize = 12 Picture1.FontBold = True Txt$ = "y = e" Picture1.CurrentY = yyc(0.27) Picture1.CurrentX = xxc(-1.95) Picture1.Print Txt$; Picture1.FontSize = 10 Picture1.FontBold = True Txt$ = "-x" Picture1.CurrentY = yyc(0.3) Picture1.Print Txt$; Picture1.FontSize = 6 Picture1.FontBold = True Txt$ = "2" Picture1.CurrentY = yyc(0.3) Picture1.Print Txt$; End Function Sub Fact() Dim w As Double Dim h As Double w = (Picture1.ScaleWidth - MarginLeft - MarginRight) h = (Picture1.ScaleHeight - MarginTop - MarginBottom) xFact = w / (xMax - xMin) ' Umrechnungsfaktoren yFact = h / (yMax - yMin) ' xOff = MarginLeft + Abs(xMin) * xFact yOff = MarginTop + yMax * yFact yFact = -yFact yMin = 10 ^ yMin yMax = 10 ^ yMax End Sub Function xxc(ByVal x As Double) As Long xxc = xOff + x * xFact End Function Function yyc(ByVal y As Double) As Long ' Die Logarithmierung wird hier in die Skalierungsfunktion ' ausgegliedert. So braucht man sich weder beim Zeichnen des ' Gitters, noch beim Zeichnen der Kurve um die Logarithmierung ' zu kümmern. yyc = yOff + Log(y) / Log(10) * yFact End Function Private Sub cmdDraw_Click() ' Ränder inderhalb des Zeichenbereichs MarginLeft = 1000 MarginRight = 300 MarginTop = 800 MarginBottom = 600 ' Minimal- und Maximalwerte des Diagramms (unabh. von der Ausgabe) LowDecY = -3 ' Dekadennummern: -1 ist die Dekade, HighDecY = -1 ' die bei 0.1 anfängt und bei 1 aufhört. yMin = Log(10 ^ LowDecY) / Log(10) yMax = Log(10 ^ (HighDecY + 1)) / Log(10) xMin = -2.6 xMax = -xMin Call Fact Call DrawScale Call DrawGauss End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() Picture1.AutoRedraw = True Picture1.Backcolor = vbWhite Picture1.Width = 7700 Picture1.Height = 6500 cmdDraw.Caption = "Draw" End Sub Private Sub Form_Resize() Dim w As Double Dim h As Double With Picture1 w = ScaleWidth - 2 * .Left h = ScaleHeight - .Top - .Left .Move .Left, .Top, w, h End With Call cmdDraw_Click End Sub '------ Ende Formular "frmLogLin" alias frmLogLin.frm ------ '------------- Ende Projektdatei PrjLogLin.vbp -------------
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