VB 5/6-Tipp 0672: Mit GDI+ ein Pfadobjekt per GdipWarpPath-Funktion manipulieren
von Frank Schüler
Dieses Beispiel zeigt, wie per GDI+ ein Pfadobjekt mit der GdipWarpPath-Funktion perspektivisch verändert werden kann. In diesem Beispiel wird ein String-Pfad manipuliert. Damit kann man z.B. einen Texteffekt wie im Star Wars-Intro erzeugen. Dazu sind einfach die vier Eckpunkte zu verschieben. Anstelle des String-Pfades können auch andere GDI+-Pfadobjekte verwendet werden.
Schwierigkeitsgrad: | Verwendete API-Aufrufe: GdipAddPathString, GdipClonePath, GdipCreateFontFamilyFromName, GdipCreateFromHDC, GdipCreatePath, GdipCreatePen1, GdipCreateSolidFill, GdipDeleteBrush, GdipDeleteFontFamily, GdipDeleteGraphics, GdipDeletePath, GdipDeletePen, GdipDeleteStringFormat, GdipDrawEllipse, GdipDrawPath, GdipFillPath, GdipGetPathWorldBoundsI, GdipSetSmoothingMode, GdipStringFormatGetGenericTypographic, GdipWarpPath, GdiplusShutdown, GdiplusStartup | Download: |
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'--------- Anfang Projektdatei GDIPlusWarpPath.vbp --------- '--- Anfang Formular "frmGDIPlusWarpPath" alias frmGDIPlusWarpPath.frm --- Option Explicit ' ----==== GDI+ Konstanten ====---- Private Const FlatnessDefault As Single = 0.25 Private Const GdiPlusVersion As Long = 1& Private Const QualityModeInvalid As Long = -1& Private Const QualityModeDefault As Long = 0& Private Const QualityModeLow As Long = 1& Private Const QualityModeHigh As Long = 2& ' ----==== sonstige Konstanten ====---- Private Const CornerRadius As Long = 5& ' ----==== GDI+ Konstanten ====---- Private Type GDIPlusStartupInput GdiPlusVersion As Long DebugEventCallback As Long SuppressBackgroundThread As Long SuppressExternalCodecs As Long End Type Private Type GdiplusStartupOutput NotificationHook As Long NotificationUnhook As Long End Type ' ----==== sonstige Typen ====---- Private Type RECT Left As Long Top As Long Right As Long Bottom As Long End Type Private Type RECTF Left As Single Top As Single Right As Single Bottom As Single End Type Private Type POINTF X As Single Y As Single End Type ' ----==== GDI+ Enums ====---- Private Enum FillMode FillModeAlternate = 0 FillModeWinding = 1 End Enum Private Enum FontStyle FontStyleRegular = 0 FontStyleBold = 1 FontStyleItalic = 2 FontStyleBoldItalic = 3 FontStyleUnderline = 4 FontStyleStrikeout = 8 End Enum ' GDI+ Status Private Enum Status OK = 0 GenericError = 1 InvalidParameter = 2 OutOfMemory = 3 ObjectBusy = 4 InsufficientBuffer = 5 NotImplemented = 6 Win32Error = 7 WrongState = 8 Aborted = 9 FileNotFound = 10 ValueOverflow = 11 AccessDenied = 12 UnknownImageFormat = 13 FontFamilyNotFound = 14 FontStyleNotFound = 15 NotTrueTypeFont = 16 UnsupportedGdiplusVersion = 17 GdiplusNotInitialized = 18 PropertyNotFound = 19 PropertyNotSupported = 20 ProfileNotFound = 21 End Enum Private Enum SmoothingMode SmoothingModeInvalid = QualityModeInvalid SmoothingModeDefault = QualityModeDefault SmoothingModeHighSpeed = QualityModeLow SmoothingModeHighQuality = QualityModeHigh SmoothingModeNone = QualityModeHigh + 1 SmoothingModeAntiAlias8x4 = QualityModeHigh + 2 SmoothingModeAntiAlias = SmoothingModeAntiAlias8x4 SmoothingModeAntiAlias8x8 = QualityModeHigh + 3 End Enum Private Enum Unit UnitWorld = 0 UnitDisplay = 1 UnitPixel = 2 UnitPoint = 3 UnitInch = 4 UnitDocument = 5 UnitMillimeter = 6 End Enum Private Enum WarpMode WarpModePerspective = 0 WarpModeBilinear = 1 End Enum ' ----==== GDI+ API Deklarationen ====---- Private Declare Function GdipAddPathString Lib "gdiplus" _ (ByVal path As Long, ByVal sString As Long, _ ByVal length As Long, ByVal family As Long, _ ByVal style As FontStyle, ByVal emSize As Single, _ ByRef layoutRect As RECTF, ByVal format As Long) As Status Private Declare Function GdipCreateFontFamilyFromName Lib "gdiplus" _ (ByVal Name As Long, ByVal fontCollection As Long, _ ByRef FontFamily As Long) As Status Private Declare Function GdipCreateFromHDC Lib "gdiplus" _ (ByVal hDC As Long, ByRef graphics As Long) As Status Private Declare Function GdipCreatePath Lib "gdiplus" _ (ByVal brushMode As FillMode, ByRef path As Long) As Status Private Declare Function GdipCreatePen1 Lib "gdiplus" _ (ByVal color As Long, ByVal Width As Single, _ ByVal Unit As Unit, ByRef pen As Long) As Status Private Declare Function GdipCreateSolidFill Lib "gdiplus" _ (ByVal color As Long, ByRef brush As Long) As Status Private Declare Function GdipClonePath Lib "gdiplus" _ (ByVal path As Long, ByRef clonePath As Long) As Status Private Declare Function GdipDeleteBrush Lib "gdiplus" _ (ByVal brush As Long) As Long Private Declare Function GdipDeleteFontFamily Lib "gdiplus" _ (ByVal FontFamily As Long) As Status Private Declare Function GdipDeleteGraphics Lib "gdiplus" _ (ByVal graphics As Long) As Status Private Declare Function GdipDeletePath Lib "gdiplus" _ (ByVal path As Long) As Status Private Declare Function GdipDeletePen Lib "gdiplus" _ (ByVal pen As Long) As Status Private Declare Function GdipDeleteStringFormat Lib "gdiplus" _ (ByVal format As Long) As Status Private Declare Function GdipDrawEllipse Lib "gdiplus" _ (ByVal graphics As Long, ByVal pen As Long, _ ByVal X As Single, ByVal Y As Single, ByVal Width As Single, _ ByVal Height As Single) As Status Private Declare Function GdipDrawPath Lib "gdiplus" _ (ByVal graphics As Long, ByVal pen As Long, _ ByVal path As Long) As Status Private Declare Function GdipFillPath Lib "gdiplus" _ (ByVal graphics As Long, ByVal brush As Long, _ ByVal path As Long) As Status Private Declare Function GdipGetPathWorldBoundsI Lib "gdiplus" _ (ByVal path As Long, ByRef bounds As RECT, _ ByVal matrix As Long, ByVal pen As Long) As Status Private Declare Function GdiplusShutdown Lib "gdiplus" _ (ByVal token As Long) As Status Private Declare Function GdiplusStartup Lib "gdiplus" _ (ByRef token As Long, ByRef lpInput As GDIPlusStartupInput, _ ByRef lpOutput As GdiplusStartupOutput) As Status Private Declare Function GdipSetSmoothingMode Lib "gdiplus" _ (ByVal graphics As Long, _ ByVal SmoothingMode As SmoothingMode) As Status Private Declare Function GdipStringFormatGetGenericTypographic _ Lib "gdiplus" (ByRef format As Long) As Status Private Declare Function GdipWarpPath Lib "gdiplus" _ (ByVal path As Long, ByVal matrix As Long, _ ByRef points As POINTF, ByVal Count As Long, _ ByVal srcx As Single, ByVal srcy As Single, _ ByVal srcwidth As Single, ByVal srcheight As Single, _ ByVal WarpMode As WarpMode, ByVal flatness As Single) As Status ' ----==== Variablen ====---- Private GdipToken As Long Private GdipInitialized As Boolean Private sFontName As String Private sString As String Private lPath As Long Private lFontFamily As Long Private lFontFormat As Long Private tRect As RECT Private tRectF As RECTF Private tCorners() As POINTF Private DragCorner As Long '------------------------------------------------------ ' Funktion : Execute ' Beschreibung : Gibt im Fehlerfall die entsprechende ' GDI+ Fehlermeldung aus ' Übergabewert : GDI+ Status ' Rückgabewert : GDI+ Status '------------------------------------------------------ Private Function Execute(ByVal lReturn As Status) As Status Dim lCurErr As Status If lReturn = Status.OK Then lCurErr = Status.OK Else lCurErr = lReturn MsgBox GdiErrorString(lReturn) & " GDI+ Error:" & _ lReturn, vbOKOnly, "GDI Error" End If Execute = lCurErr End Function '------------------------------------------------------ ' Funktion : GdiErrorString ' Beschreibung : Umwandlung der GDI+ Statuscodes in Stringcodes ' Übergabewert : GDI+ Status ' Rückgabewert : Fehlercode als String '------------------------------------------------------ Private Function GdiErrorString(ByVal lError As Status) As String Dim s As String Select Case lError Case GenericError: s = "Generic Error." Case InvalidParameter: s = "Invalid Parameter." Case OutOfMemory: s = "Out Of Memory." Case ObjectBusy: s = "Object Busy." Case InsufficientBuffer: s = "Insufficient Buffer." Case NotImplemented: s = "Not Implemented." Case Win32Error: s = "Win32 Error." Case WrongState: s = "Wrong State." Case Aborted: s = "Aborted." Case FileNotFound: s = "File Not Found." Case ValueOverflow: s = "Value Overflow." Case AccessDenied: s = "Access Denied." Case UnknownImageFormat: s = "Unknown Image Format." Case FontFamilyNotFound: s = "FontFamily Not Found." Case FontStyleNotFound: s = "FontStyle Not Found." Case NotTrueTypeFont: s = "Not TrueType Font." Case UnsupportedGdiplusVersion: s = "Unsupported Gdiplus Version." Case GdiplusNotInitialized: s = "Gdiplus Not Initialized." Case PropertyNotFound: s = "Property Not Found." Case PropertyNotSupported: s = "Property Not Supported." Case Else: s = "Unknown GDI+ Error." End Select GdiErrorString = s End Function '------------------------------------------------------ ' Funktion : ShutdownGDIPlus ' Beschreibung : Beendet die GDI+ Instanz ' Rückgabewert : GDI+ Status '------------------------------------------------------ Private Function ShutdownGDIPlus() As Status ' Beendet GDI+ Instanz ShutdownGDIPlus = GdiplusShutdown(GdipToken) End Function '------------------------------------------------------ ' Funktion : StartUpGDIPlus ' Beschreibung : Initialisiert GDI+ Instanz ' Übergabewert : GDI+ Version ' Rückgabewert : GDI+ Status '------------------------------------------------------ Private Function StartUpGDIPlus(ByVal GdipVersion As Long) As Status ' Initialisieren der GDI+ Instanz Dim GdipStartupInput As GDIPlusStartupInput Dim GdipStartupOutput As GdiplusStartupOutput GdipStartupInput.GdiPlusVersion = GdipVersion StartUpGDIPlus = GdiplusStartup(GdipToken, _ GdipStartupInput, GdipStartupOutput) End Function '------------------------------------------------------ ' Funktion : WarpPath ' Beschreibung : Ein Pfadobjekt verändern '------------------------------------------------------ Private Sub WarpPath() Dim lGraphics As Long Dim lBrush As Long Dim lPen As Long Dim lPen1 As Long Dim lClonePath As Long Dim i As Long Me.Cls ' Pathobjekt clonen, ' damit das Original-Pathobjekt nicht verändert wird If Execute(GdipClonePath(lPath, _ lClonePath)) = OK Then ' Graphicsobjekt vom Hdc erstellen If Execute(GdipCreateFromHDC(Me.hDC, _ lGraphics)) = OK Then ' Smoothingmode für Graphicsobjekt setzen If Execute(GdipSetSmoothingMode(lGraphics, _ SmoothingModeHighQuality)) = OK Then ' Manipulation des Pathobjektes Call Execute(GdipWarpPath(lClonePath, 0, _ tCorners(0), UBound(tCorners) + 1, _ tRect.Left, tRect.Top, tRect.Right, _ tRect.Bottom, WarpModePerspective, _ FlatnessDefault)) ' Brushobjekt erstellen ' Füllfarbe für das Pfadobjekt If Execute(GdipCreateSolidFill(&HFF128080, _ lBrush)) = OK Then ' Penobjekt erstellen ' Randfarbe für das Pfadobjekt If Execute(GdipCreatePen1(&HFF000000, 1, _ UnitPixel, lPen)) = OK Then ' Penobjekt erstellen ' Farbe für die Ziehecken If Execute(GdipCreatePen1(&HFFFF00FF, 1, _ UnitPixel, lPen1)) = OK Then ' Pfad mit Brush füllen Call Execute(GdipFillPath(lGraphics, _ lBrush, lClonePath)) ' Pfad mit Pen zeichnen Call Execute(GdipDrawPath(lGraphics, _ lPen, lClonePath)) ' Ecken des Pathobjektes zeichen For i = 0 To 3 Call Execute(GdipDrawEllipse( _ lGraphics, lPen1, _ tCorners(i).X - CornerRadius, _ tCorners(i).Y - CornerRadius, _ CornerRadius * 2, CornerRadius * 2)) Next i ' Penobjekt löschen Call Execute(GdipDeletePen(lPen1)) End If ' Penobjekt löschen Call Execute(GdipDeletePen(lPen)) End If ' Brushobjekt löschen Call Execute(GdipDeleteBrush(lBrush)) End If End If ' lösche Graphicsobjekt Call Execute(GdipDeleteGraphics(lGraphics)) End If ' geclontes Pathobjekt löschen Call Execute(GdipDeletePath(lClonePath)) End If Me.Refresh End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() GdipInitialized = False Me.ScaleMode = vbPixels Me.AutoRedraw = True ' Eckenindex -1 = keine Ecke ausgewählt DragCorner = -1 ' muss ein TrueType oder OpenType-Font sein sFontName = "Arial" ' String für Pfadobjekt sString = "ActiveVB" ' GDI+ starten If Execute(StartUpGDIPlus(GdiPlusVersion)) = OK Then GdipInitialized = True ' Pfadobjekt erstellen If Execute(GdipCreatePath(FillModeAlternate, _ lPath)) = OK Then ' Fontfamilyobjekt erstellen If Execute(GdipCreateFontFamilyFromName( _ StrPtr(sFontName), 0, lFontFamily)) = OK Then ' Fontformatobjekt erstellen If Execute(GdipStringFormatGetGenericTypographic _ (lFontFormat)) = OK Then ' Stringpfadobjekt zum Pfadobjekt hinzufügen If Execute(GdipAddPathString(lPath, _ StrPtr(sString), Len(sString), _ lFontFamily, FontStyleBold, 100, _ tRectF, lFontFormat)) = OK Then ' Größe des Pfadobjektes auslesen If Execute(GdipGetPathWorldBoundsI(lPath, _ tRect, 0, 0)) = OK Then ReDim tCorners(0 To 3) ' Ecke oben links tCorners(0).X = tRect.Left tCorners(0).Y = tRect.Top ' Ecke oben rechts tCorners(1).X = tRect.Right tCorners(1).Y = tRect.Top ' Ecke unten links tCorners(2).X = tRect.Left tCorners(2).Y = tRect.Bottom ' Ecke unten rechts tCorners(3).X = tRect.Right tCorners(3).Y = tRect.Bottom ' Pfad verzerren Call WarpPath End If End If End If End If End If Else MsgBox "GDI+ not inizialized.", vbOKOnly, "GDI Error" End If End Sub Private Sub Form_MouseDown(Button As Integer, _ Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single) Dim i As Long ' welche Ecke wird verändert For i = 0 To 3 If Abs(tCorners(i).X - X) < CornerRadius And _ Abs(tCorners(i).Y - Y) < CornerRadius Then ' EckenIndex setzen DragCorner = i Exit For End If Next i End Sub Private Sub Form_MouseMove(Button As Integer, _ Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single) Dim i As Long ' über welcher Ecke befindet sich der Mauszeiger ' und Mauszeiger ändern wenn DragCorner >= 0 For i = 0 To 3 If Abs(tCorners(i).X - X) < CornerRadius And _ Abs(tCorners(i).Y - Y) < CornerRadius Then If Me.MousePointer <> 15 Then Me.MousePointer = 15 Exit For Else 'ist DragCorner < 0 dann MousePointer = 0 If DragCorner < 0 Then If Me.MousePointer <> 0 Then Me.MousePointer = 0 End If End If Next i ' wenn der Mauszeiger sich über keiner Ecke befindet ' und DragCorner < 0 dann Sub verlassen If DragCorner < 0 Then Exit Sub ' X-Position der entsprechenden Ecke speichern tCorners(DragCorner).X = X If tCorners(DragCorner).X < 0 Then tCorners(DragCorner).X = 0 ElseIf tCorners(DragCorner).X > Me.ScaleWidth Then tCorners(DragCorner).X = Me.ScaleWidth End If ' Y-Position der entsprechenden Ecke speichern tCorners(DragCorner).Y = Y If tCorners(DragCorner).Y < 0 Then tCorners(DragCorner).Y = 0 ElseIf tCorners(DragCorner).Y > Me.ScaleHeight Then tCorners(DragCorner).X = Me.ScaleHeight End If ' Pfad verzerren Call WarpPath End Sub Private Sub Form_MouseUp(Button As Integer, _ Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single) ' Eckenindex -1 = keine Ecke ausgewählt DragCorner = -1 End Sub Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer) ' ist GDI+ initialisiert If GdipInitialized = True Then ' Fontfamilyobjekt löschen If lFontFamily Then _ Call Execute(GdipDeleteFontFamily(lFontFamily)) ' Fontformatobjekt löschen If lFontFormat Then _ Call Execute(GdipDeleteStringFormat(lFontFormat)) ' Pathobjekt löschen If lPath Then Call Execute(GdipDeletePath(lPath)) ' GDI+ beenden Call Execute(ShutdownGDIPlus) End If End Sub '--- Ende Formular "frmGDIPlusWarpPath" alias frmGDIPlusWarpPath.frm --- '---------- Ende Projektdatei GDIPlusWarpPath.vbp ----------
Windows/VB-Version | Win32s | Win95 | Win98 | WinME | WinNT4 | Win2000 | WinXP |
VB4 | |||||||
VB5 | |||||||
VB6 |
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Kommentar von Timo Böhme am 26.03.2006 um 22:03
Das ist ja der absolute Super Tipp. Da hat sich jemand wirklich Mühe gegeben und ich danke für die Offenheit, das Publik zur Verfügung zu stellen!! Nicht selbstverständlich!
Kommentar von Peter Körner am 20.11.2005 um 14:31
Nein wie geil... das is ja echt der Hammer!! Meine Güte.. Gro0e Klasse der Tip! Echt Genial!
Gruß, Peter