VB 5/6-Tipp 0529: Scrollen vieler Textboxen mithilfe eines Frames
von Peter K. Sauer
Scrollen eines Frames mit einer Vielzahl von Textboxen + Label als Container wird eine Picturebox verwendet
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'--- Anfang Projektdatei 240Textboxenueberframescrollen.vbp --- '--- Anfang Formular "Form1" alias 240Textboxenueberframescrollen.frm --- ' Steuerelement: Bildfeld-Steuerelement "Picture1" ' Steuerelement: Vertikale Scrollbar "VScroll1" ' Steuerelement: Rahmensteuerelement "Frame1" ' Steuerelement: Textfeld "Text1" (Index von 0 bis 0) auf Frame1 ' Steuerelement: Beschriftungsfeld "Label1" (Index von 0 bis 0) auf Frame1 ' 'Autor: © "SAP*" peter.k.sauer@web.de 02.2000 ' 'Scrollen eines Frames mit einer Vielzahl von Textboxen + Label 'als Container wird eine Picturebox verwendet Option Explicit Private TextBoxAnzahl As Long Private TextBoxAnzahlQuer As Long Private TextBoxHeight As Single Private TextBoxWidth As Single Private TextBoxLeft As Single Private LabelWidth As Single Private LabelLeft As Single Private TextBoxAbstandHoehe As Long Private TextBoxAbstandBreite As Long Private TextBoxContainerTop As Long Private TextBoxContainerBottom As Long Private TextBoxContainerLeft As Long Private TextBoxFrameTotalHeight As Single Private Sub Form_Load() Dim i As Long Me.Width = 800 * Screen.TwipsPerPixelX 'Form setzen Me.Height = 570 * Screen.TwipsPerPixelY If Screen.Width > Me.Width Then Me.Top = (Screen.Height - Me.Height) / 2 Me.Left = (Screen.Width - Me.Width) / 2 Else Me.Top = 0 Me.Left = 0 End If TextBoxAnzahl = 240 'Anzahl der Textboxen gesamt TextBoxAnzahlQuer = 3 'Anzahl in der Breite LabelWidth = 450 'Breite eines Labels LabelLeft = 30 'Abstand Links TextBoxHeight = 315 'Höhe einer Textbox TextBoxWidth = 2100 'Breite TextBoxLeft = 600 'Abstand links Textbox(0) TextBoxAbstandHoehe = TextBoxHeight + 150 'Abstand vertikal zwischen Boxen TextBoxAbstandBreite = TextBoxWidth + 900 'Abstand horizontal TextBoxContainerTop = 600 'Position Top für Picturebox TextBoxContainerBottom = 1600 'Abstand Bottom Picturebox zur Form TextBoxContainerLeft = 600 'Position Picturebox links 'Controls einrichten Label1(0).Alignment = vbRightJustify 'Ausrichtung Label doIniTextBox Text1(0) 'Ini Textbox(0) doIniLabel Label1(0) 'Ini Label(0) doIniVScroll VScroll1, Picture1 'Ini VScrollBar TextBoxFrameTotalHeight = FrameTotalHeight 'benötigte Höhe berechnen doIniPictureContainer Picture1 'Ini Picturebox doIniFrameContainer Frame1, Picture1, VScroll1 'Ini Frame doIniTextBoxen Text1 'Ini Textboxen doIniLabels Label1 'Ini Labels For i = 0 To TextBoxAnzahl - 1 'Boxen für Demo füllen Text1(i).Text = "Feld " & i Next For i = 0 To TextBoxAnzahl - 1 'Label für Demo beschriften Label1(i).Caption = Format(i, "000") Next For i = 0 To Text1.Count - 1 'TabIndex einstellen Text1(i).TabIndex = i Next Picture1.TabStop = False VScroll1.TabStop = False End Sub Private Sub Form_Resize() Dim h As Single If Me.WindowState = vbMinimized Then Exit Sub End If 'Controls anpassen doResizeControls Picture1, Frame1, VScroll1 End Sub Private Sub Text1_GotFocus(Index As Integer) 'Textbox ggf. sichtbar machen doScroll Text1(Index), Picture1, Frame1, VScroll1 'für Demo aktive Box einfärben Text1(Index).BackColor = vbYellow End Sub Private Sub Text1_LostFocus(Index As Integer) Text1(Index).BackColor = vbWhite End Sub Private Sub VScroll1_Change() Form_Resize End Sub Private Sub doIniTextBox(TBox As TextBox) ' Textbox(0) initialisieren With TBox Set .Container = Frame1 .Width = TextBoxWidth .Height = TextBoxHeight .Top = TextBoxAbstandHoehe - TextBoxHeight .Left = TextBoxLeft End With End Sub Private Sub doIniLabel(Lab As Label) ' Textbox(0) initialisieren With Lab Set .Container = Frame1 .Width = LabelWidth .Height = TextBoxHeight - 60 .Top = TextBoxAbstandHoehe - TextBoxHeight + 60 .Left = LabelLeft End With End Sub Private Sub doIniVScroll(VScroll As VScrollBar, PictureContainer As PictureBox) ' VScroll intialisieren With VScroll Set .Container = PictureContainer .Width = 255 .Top = 0 .Min = 0 .Max = TextBoxAnzahl \ TextBoxAnzahlQuer - 1 .LargeChange = 50 .SmallChange = 20 End With End Sub Private Function FrameTotalHeight() As Long ' benötigte Höhe für Frame berechnen FrameTotalHeight = (TextBoxAbstandHoehe - TextBoxHeight) * 2 + _ TextBoxAbstandHoehe * TextBoxAnzahl / TextBoxAnzahlQuer End Function Private Sub doIniPictureContainer(PictureContainer As PictureBox) ' Ini Picturebox als Container für Frame With PictureContainer .BorderStyle = 1 .Width = TextBoxAbstandBreite * TextBoxAnzahlQuer + _ VScroll1.Width - TextBoxLeft + 600 .Top = TextBoxContainerTop .Left = TextBoxContainerLeft End With End Sub Private Sub doIniFrameContainer(FrameContainer As Frame, _ PictureContainer As PictureBox, _ VScroll As VScrollBar) ' Ini Frame als Container für Textboxen With FrameContainer .BorderStyle = 0 .Caption = "" Set .Container = PictureContainer .Height = Me.ScaleHeight .Width = PictureContainer.ScaleWidth - VScroll.Width - 90 .Top = 0 .Left = 0 End With End Sub Private Sub doIniTextBoxen(TBox As Object) ' Initialisieren Textboxen und anordnen auf Frame Dim i As Long Dim j As Long Dim k As Long For i = 0 To TextBoxAnzahl - 1 Step TextBoxAnzahlQuer For j = 0 To TextBoxAnzahlQuer - 1 If i + j > 0 Then Load TBox(i + j) With TBox(i + j) .Visible = True k = Abs(i + j) \ TextBoxAnzahlQuer .Top = TBox(0).Top + k * TextBoxAbstandHoehe If j > 0 Then .Left = .Left + (TextBoxAbstandBreite) * j End If End With End If Next Next End Sub Private Sub doIniLabels(Lab As Object) ' Initialisieren Labels und anordnen auf Frame Dim i As Long Dim j As Long Dim k As Long For i = 0 To TextBoxAnzahl - 1 Step TextBoxAnzahlQuer For j = 0 To TextBoxAnzahlQuer - 1 If i + j > 0 Then Load Lab(i + j) With Lab(i + j) .Visible = True k = Abs(i + j) \ TextBoxAnzahlQuer .Top = Lab(0).Top + k * TextBoxAbstandHoehe If j > 0 Then .Left = .Left + (TextBoxAbstandBreite) * j End If End With End If Next Next End Sub Private Sub doResizeControls(PictureContainer As PictureBox, _ FrameContainer As Frame, VScroll As VScrollBar) Dim h As Single With PictureContainer 'Picturebox anpassen .Height = Me.ScaleHeight - .Top - TextBoxContainerBottom End With With FrameContainer 'Frame anpassen If TextBoxAbstandHoehe > 0 Then .Height = ((Me.ScaleHeight - PictureContainer.Top - TextBoxContainerBottom) _ \ TextBoxAbstandHoehe) * TextBoxAbstandHoehe End If End With With VScroll 'VScrollbar anpassen .Height = PictureContainer.ScaleHeight .Left = PictureContainer.ScaleWidth - .Width h = (TextBoxFrameTotalHeight - FrameContainer.Height) * .Value / .Max If h > 0 Then h = (h \ TextBoxAbstandHoehe) * TextBoxAbstandHoehe End If FrameContainer.Top = h * -1 'Frame verschieben If h > 0 Then FrameContainer.Height = FrameContainer.Height + h End If End With End Sub Public Sub doScroll(TBox As TextBox, PictureContainer As PictureBox, _ FrameContainer As Frame, VScroll As VScrollBar) 'Frame automatisch scrollen um Textbox sichtbar zu machen Dim i As Long If TBox.Top + TBox.Height + FrameContainer.Top > PictureContainer.Height Then Do i = VScroll.Value + 1 If i > VScroll.Max Then i = VScroll.Max End If VScroll1.Value = i If TBox.Top + TBox.Height + FrameContainer.Top <= PictureContainer.Height Then Exit Do End If Loop ElseIf TBox.Top + FrameContainer.Top < 0 Then If VScroll.Value = VScroll.Max Then i = 0 Else i = VScroll.Value - 1 End If If i < VScroll.Min Then i = VScroll.Min End If VScroll.Value = i End If End Sub Private Sub VScroll1_Scroll() Form_Resize End Sub '--- Ende Formular "Form1" alias 240Textboxenueberframescrollen.frm --- '--- Ende Projektdatei 240Textboxenueberframescrollen.vbp ---
Windows/VB-Version | Win32s | Win95 | Win98 | WinME | WinNT4 | Win2000 | WinXP |
VB4 | |||||||
VB5 | |||||||
VB6 |
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