Visual Basic COM
von ActiveVB-Team
Beschreibung des Herausgebers
In this book, I introduce VB programmers of all levels to the core details of COM - from a completely Visual Basic perpective. For the truth of the matter is, the more you know about VB COM, the more you know about Visual Basic- and that can only help you to write better VB programs.VB programmers haven't needed to worry about COM because Visual Basic makes COM decisions all the time. But COM is too important to VB programmers today to be left as a hidden element: very quickly, VB programmers need to appreciate what's really going on if they want to create well-written and successful programs.
New VB programmers and enterprise VB-programmers alike need to become COM-aware, and this is the book that begin with that move.
Using clear, practical examples that you can run yourself, this book is designed to empower you with an understanding of COM fundamentals in Visual Basic. We'll drill down into COM, ActiveX, DCOM, MTS, and also take a look at COM+.
What does this book cover?
- Explains why COM is so important to the VB programmer
- A full introduction and explanation of the COM architecture
- Clarifies the actual mechanics of COM when your programs run
- How to be COM-aware within your VB applications
- Use Automation to provide dynamic access to application
- Explains the relation between ActiveX and COM
- How to use DCOM to run VB components across a network
- How MTS can provide scalable, multi-user support for VB programs
Informationen zum Buch
Kommentar von Goetz Reinecke
Ein guter Einstieg in die COM-Programmierung. Das Buch hält die Balance zwischen der Erklärung der COM-Terminologie und praktikablen Beispielen. Es richtet sich eher an Einsteiger der Materie.
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Kommentar von yinka am 03.04.2005 um 17:02
Can u pls send me an example of V.B programm
(reducing file size on a network)