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Tipp-Upload: VB.NET 0148: qvYATE - Eine kleine Template-Engine für ASP


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Template Engine Classic ASP ASP.NET

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Der Vorschlag wurde erstellt am: 19.11.2007 13:57.
Die letzte Aktualisierung erfolgte am 24.02.2008 14:07.

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qvYATE ist eine einfache kleine (175 Zeilen Code) Template-Engine für ASP.NET und ASP Classic. Die Syntax ist in einem kleinen Beispiel erläutert. Unterstützt werden: Schleifen, optionale Sektionen, Variablen mit Vererbung aus übergerordneten Sektionen, rekursiver Import von Subtemplates. Das Projekt erzeugt eine .NET-DLL und ein TLB, so dass die Engine auch mit ASP Classic nutzbar ist.


Schwierigkeitsgrad 1

Verwendete API-Aufrufe:


Download des Beispielprojektes [13,62 KB]

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' Beachten Sie, das vom Designer generierter Code hier ausgeblendet wird.
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' ------------- Anfang Projektgruppe qvYATE.sln  -------------
' ------------ Anfang Projektdatei qvYATE.vbproj  ------------
' ----------------- Anfang Datei Section.vb  -----------------
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions

<ComClass(Section.ClassId, Section.InterfaceId, Section.EventsId)> Public Class Section

#Region "COM GUIDs"

    ' These  GUIDs provide the COM identity for this class
    ' and its COM interfaces. If you change them, existing
    ' clients will no longer be able to access the class.
    Public Const ClassId As String = "fcaf6250-8f11-4ef7-9704-beec98178a9c"
    Public Const InterfaceId As String = "45d68b74-696c-4abf-8471-676e1bd84223"
    Public Const EventsId As String = "32e0b994-7e4b-4e18-ad23-146d75483ab0"

#End Region

    Private strTemplateCode As String
    Private strName As String

    Private objSections As New List(Of Section)
    Private objValues As New Dictionary(Of String, String)
    Private objParentSection As Section

    Private Const REGEX_OPTIONS As RegexOptions = RegexOptions.IgnoreCase Or _
        RegexOptions.Multiline Or RegexOptions.Singleline

    Public Sub New()


    End Sub

    Protected Overrides Sub Finalize()


    End Sub

    Protected Property ParentSection() As Section
            Return objParentSection

        End Get

        Set(ByVal value As Section)
            objParentSection = value

        End Set

    End Property

    Protected Property Name() As String

        ' Name of the section
            Return strName

        End Get

        Set(ByVal value As String)
            strName = value

        End Set

    End Property

    Public Property TemplateCode() As String

        ' Input code from parent section or document
            Return strTemplateCode

        End Get

        Set(ByVal value As String)
            strTemplateCode = value

        End Set

    End Property

    Public ReadOnly Property HTML() As String

        ' HTML output

            Dim strResult As String = strTemplateCode
            Dim objSectionsHTML As New Dictionary(Of String, StringBuilder)
            Dim objSection As Section
            Dim strKey As String

            ' collect code from child sections
            For Each objSection In objSections

                If (objSectionsHTML.ContainsKey(objSection.Name)) Then


                    objSectionsHTML.Add(objSection.Name, New StringBuilder(objSection.HTML))
                End If


            ' replace sections by their collected code
            For Each strKey In objSectionsHTML.Keys

                strResult = Regex.Replace(strResult, "<!--\s*BEGIN\s+SECTION\s+" & strKey & _
                    "\s*-->(?<TemplateCode>.+)<!--\s*END\s+SECTION\s+" & strKey & _
                    "\s*-->", objSectionsHTML.Item(strKey).ToString, REGEX_OPTIONS)


            ' remove the remaining sections from template code...yes, greedy
            strResult = Regex.Replace(strResult, _
                "<!--\s*BEGIN\s+SECTION\s+(\w+)\s*-->.*<!--\s*END\s+SECTION\s+(\1)\s*-->", _
                "", REGEX_OPTIONS)

            ' replace placeholders from template code by their values
            For Each strKey In objValues.Keys

                strResult = Regex.Replace(strResult, "\[%\s*" & strKey & "\s*%\]", _
                    objValues.Item(strKey), REGEX_OPTIONS)


            ' remove the remaining placeholders from template code...also greedy...
            ' (only in the topmost section so we have some sort of inheritance of values to
            ' child sections)
            If (objParentSection Is Nothing) Then
                strResult = Regex.Replace(strResult, "\[%.*?%\]", "", REGEX_OPTIONS)
            End If

            Return strResult

        End Get

    End Property

    Public Sub AddValue(ByVal Key As String, ByVal Value As String)

        ' Add values to be replaced in the template code
        If objValues.ContainsKey(Key) Then
            objValues.Item(Key) = Value


            objValues.Add(Key, Value)
        End If

    End Sub

    Public Function AddSection(ByVal Name As String) As Section

        Dim objMatch As Match

        objMatch = Regex.Match(strTemplateCode, "<!--\s*BEGIN\s+SECTION\s+" & Name & _
            "\s*-->(?<TemplateCode>.+)<!--\s*END\s+SECTION\s+" & Name & "\s*-->", _

        If (objMatch.Success = True) Then

            Dim objSection As New Section

            objSection.ParentSection = Me
            objSection.Name = Name
            objSection.TemplateCode = objMatch.Groups("TemplateCode").ToString
            Return objSection


            Return Nothing
        End If

    End Function

    Public Function LoadTemplateCode(ByVal FilePath As String) As Boolean

        If (File.Exists(FilePath)) Then


                Dim objStreamReader As New StreamReader(FilePath)

                ' Read template code from file
                strTemplateCode = objStreamReader.ReadToEnd

                ' check for import statements
                Dim Matches As MatchCollection = Regex.Matches(strTemplateCode, _
                    "<!--\s*IMPORT\s+FROM\s+(?<ImportFile>.+?)\s*-->", REGEX_OPTIONS)

                If (Matches.Count > 0) Then

                    Dim Match As Match

                    For Each Match In Matches

                        ' Use a (temporary) section so we have a recursive import of child templates
                        Dim objSection As New Section

                        Dim strImportFilePath As String = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName( _
                            FilePath) & "\" & Match.Groups("ImportFile").ToString


                        ' Replace the import tag by the template code (or empty string if
                        ' file not found)
                        strTemplateCode = strTemplateCode.Replace(Match.ToString, _

                        objSection = Nothing

                End If

                Return True

            Catch ex As Exception

            End Try
        End If

    End Function

End Class

' ------------------ Ende Datei Section.vb  ------------------
' ------------- Ende Projektdatei qvYATE.vbproj  -------------
' File not found: ../WindowsApplication1/WindowsApplication1.vbproj
' -------------- Ende Projektgruppe qvYATE.sln  --------------



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Template Engine - Spatzenkanonier 07.03.2008 10:14

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