VB 5/6-Tipp 0678: Verfügbare GDI+-Encoder und Decoder ermitteln
von Frank Schüler
Mit diesem Beispiel können vorhandene GDI+-Encoder und Decoder ermittelt werden. Zusätzlich werden auch noch einige Informationen zu den Encodern und Decodern ausgelesen.
Decoder werden dazu benötigt, um bestimmte Dateiformate lesen zu können, Encoder werden beim Schreiben gebraucht.
Schwierigkeitsgrad: | Verwendete API-Aufrufe: RtlMoveMemory (CopyMemory), GdipGetImageDecoders, GdipGetImageDecodersSize, GdipGetImageEncoders, GdipGetImageEncodersSize, GdiplusShutdown, GdiplusStartup, StringFromCLSID (LongFromCLSID), lstrcpyW, lstrlenW | Download: |
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'--------- Anfang Projektdatei DGIPlusEnDeCoder.vbp --------- '--- Anfang Formular "frmDGIPlusEnDeCoder" alias frmDGIPlusEnDeCoder.frm --- ' Steuerelement: Textfeld "txtListEnDecoder" ' Steuerelement: Schaltfläche "cmdListEnDecoder" (Index von 0 bis 1) Option Explicit ' ----==== GDI+ Konstanten ====---- Private Const GdiPlusVersion As Long = 1& ' ----==== Sonstige Typen ====---- Private Type GdipImageDeEncoders Clsid As String CodecName As String FormatDescription As String FilenameExtension As String mimeType As String Flags As ImageCodecFlags Version As Long End Type Private Type GUID Data1 As Long Data2 As Integer Data3 As Integer Data4(0 To 7) As Byte End Type ' ----==== GDI+ Typen ====---- Private Type ImageCodecInfo Clsid As GUID FormatID As GUID CodecNamePtr As Long DllNamePtr As Long FormatDescriptionPtr As Long FilenameExtensionPtr As Long MimeTypePtr As Long Flags As Long Version As Long SignaturCount As Long SignaturSize As Long SignaturPatternPtr As Long SignaturMaskPtr As Long End Type Private Type GDIPlusStartupInput GdiPlusVersion As Long DebugEventCallback As Long SuppressBackgroundThread As Long SuppressExternalCodecs As Long End Type Private Type GdiplusStartupOutput NotificationHook As Long NotificationUnhook As Long End Type ' ----==== GDI+ Enumerationen ====---- Private Enum ImageCodecFlags ImageCodecFlagsEncoder = &H1 ImageCodecFlagsDecoder = &H2 ImageCodecFlagsSupportBitmap = &H4 ImageCodecFlagsSupportVector = &H8 ImageCodecFlagsSeekableEncode = &H10 ImageCodecFlagsBlockingDecode = &H20 ImageCodecFlagsBuiltin = &H10000 ImageCodecFlagsSystem = &H20000 ImageCodecFlagsUser = &H40000 End Enum ' GDI+ Status Private Enum Status OK = 0 GenericError = 1 InvalidParameter = 2 OutOfMemory = 3 ObjectBusy = 4 InsufficientBuffer = 5 NotImplemented = 6 Win32Error = 7 WrongState = 8 Aborted = 9 FileNotFound = 10 ValueOverflow = 11 AccessDenied = 12 UnknownImageFormat = 13 FontFamilyNotFound = 14 FontStyleNotFound = 15 NotTrueTypeFont = 16 UnsupportedGdiplusVersion = 17 GdiplusNotInitialized = 18 PropertyNotFound = 19 PropertyNotSupported = 20 ProfileNotFound = 21 End Enum ' ----==== sonstige Enumerationen ====---- Private Enum EnDecoderType Encoder = 0 Decoder = 1 End Enum ' ----==== GDI+ API Deklarationen ====---- Private Declare Function GdipGetImageEncoders Lib "gdiplus" _ (ByVal NumEncoders As Long, ByVal Size As Long, _ ByRef Encoders As ImageCodecInfo) As Status Private Declare Function GdipGetImageEncodersSize Lib "gdiplus" _ (ByRef NumEncoders As Long, ByRef Size As Long) As Status Private Declare Function GdipGetImageDecoders Lib "gdiplus" _ (ByVal NumDecoders As Long, ByVal Size As Long, _ ByRef Decoders As ImageCodecInfo) As Status Private Declare Function GdipGetImageDecodersSize Lib "gdiplus" _ (ByRef NumDecoders As Long, ByRef Size As Long) As Status Private Declare Function GdiplusShutdown Lib "gdiplus" _ (ByVal token As Long) As Status Private Declare Function GdiplusStartup Lib "gdiplus" _ (ByRef token As Long, ByRef lpInput As GDIPlusStartupInput, _ ByRef lpOutput As GdiplusStartupOutput) As Status ' ----==== Kernel32 API Declarationen ====---- Private Declare Function lstrlenW Lib "kernel32" _ (lpString As Any) As Long Private Declare Function lstrcpyW Lib "kernel32" _ (lpString1 As Any, lpString2 As Any) As Long Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias _ "RtlMoveMemory" (pDst As Any, pSrc As Any, _ ByVal ByteLen As Long) ' ----==== Ole32 API Deklarationen ====---- Private Declare Sub LongFromCLSID Lib "ole32.dll" _ Alias "StringFromCLSID" (pClsid As GUID, _ lpszProgID As Long) ' ----==== Variablen ====---- Dim GdipToken As Long Dim GdipInitialized As Boolean '------------------------------------------------------ ' Funktion : EnumGDIPlusEnDecoders ' Beschreibung : Auflisten aller GDI+ Encoder, Decoder ' und auslesen der Infos ' Übergabewert : tGdipImageDeEncoders = Type GdipImageEncoders ' eEnDecoderType = Enum EnDecoderType ' Rückgabewert : True = auflisten erfolgreich ' False = auflisten fehlgeschlagen '------------------------------------------------------ Private Function EnumGDIPlusEnDecoders( _ ByRef tGdipImageDeEncoders() As GdipImageDeEncoders, _ Optional eEnDecoderType As EnDecoderType = Decoder) As Boolean Dim lDataSize As Long Dim lNum As Long Dim lItem As Long Dim lGuid As Long Dim sBuffer As String Dim sGuid As String * 40 Dim tImageCodecInfo() As ImageCodecInfo If eEnDecoderType = Decoder Then ' Anzahl der Decoder und größe der Daten ermitteln ' -> lNum und lDataSize Call Execute(GdipGetImageDecodersSize( _ lNum, lDataSize)) Else ' Anzahl der Encoder und größe der Daten ermitteln ' -> lNum und lDataSize Call Execute(GdipGetImageEncodersSize( _ lNum, lDataSize)) End If ' wenn keine Daten vorhanden sind If (lDataSize = 0) Then ' fehlgeschlagen EnumGDIPlusEnDecoders = False Exit Function End If ' Array zur Aufnahme der ImageCodecInfo ' Struktur dimensionieren ReDim tImageCodecInfo(0 To lDataSize _ \ Len(tImageCodecInfo(0)) - 1) ' Array zur Aufnahme der GdipImageDeEncoders ' Struktur dimensionieren ReDim tGdipImageDeEncoders(0 To (lNum - 1)) If eEnDecoderType = Decoder Then ' Auslesen aller Decoderinfos -> tImageCodecInfo Call Execute(GdipGetImageDecoders(lNum, _ lDataSize, tImageCodecInfo(0))) Else ' Auslesen aller Encoderinfos -> tImageCodecInfo Call Execute(GdipGetImageEncoders(lNum, _ lDataSize, tImageCodecInfo(0))) End If ' alle Encoder oder Decoder durchlaufen For lItem = 0 To (lNum - 1) ' Decoder GUID nach Long konvertieren -> lGuid Call LongFromCLSID( _ tImageCodecInfo(lItem).Clsid, lGuid) ' lGuid konvertieren -> sGuid Call StrFromPtrW(lGuid, sGuid) ' sGuid an tGdipImageDeEncoders übergeben tGdipImageDeEncoders(lItem).Clsid _ = sGuid ' Stringbuffer anlegen sBuffer = Space$(lstrlenW( _ ByVal tImageCodecInfo(lItem).MimeTypePtr)) ' MimeTypePtr in den Buffer übertragen Call lstrcpyW(ByVal StrPtr(sBuffer), _ ByVal tImageCodecInfo(lItem).MimeTypePtr) ' Buffer an tGdipImageDeEncoders übergeben tGdipImageDeEncoders(lItem).mimeType _ = sBuffer ' Stringbuffer anlegen sBuffer = Space$(lstrlenW( _ ByVal tImageCodecInfo(lItem).CodecNamePtr)) ' CodecNamePtr in den Buffer übertragen Call lstrcpyW(ByVal StrPtr(sBuffer), _ ByVal tImageCodecInfo(lItem).CodecNamePtr) ' Buffer an tGdipImageDeEncoders übergeben tGdipImageDeEncoders(lItem).CodecName _ = sBuffer ' Stringbuffer anlegen sBuffer = Space$(lstrlenW( _ ByVal tImageCodecInfo(lItem).FormatDescriptionPtr)) ' FormatDescriptionPtr in den Buffer übertragen Call lstrcpyW(ByVal StrPtr(sBuffer), _ ByVal tImageCodecInfo(lItem).FormatDescriptionPtr) ' Buffer an tGdipImageDeEncoders übergeben tGdipImageDeEncoders(lItem).FormatDescription _ = sBuffer ' Stringbuffer anlegen sBuffer = Space$(lstrlenW( _ ByVal tImageCodecInfo(lItem).FilenameExtensionPtr)) ' FilenameExtensionPtr in den Buffer übertragen Call lstrcpyW(ByVal StrPtr(sBuffer), _ ByVal tImageCodecInfo(lItem).FilenameExtensionPtr) ' Buffer an tGdipImageDeEncoders übergeben tGdipImageDeEncoders(lItem).FilenameExtension _ = sBuffer ' Flags an tGdipImageDeEncoders übergeben tGdipImageDeEncoders(lItem).Flags _ = tImageCodecInfo(lItem).Flags ' Version an tGdipImageDeEncoders übergeben tGdipImageDeEncoders(lItem).Version _ = tImageCodecInfo(lItem).Version Next lItem ' tImageCodecInfo löschen Erase tImageCodecInfo ' erfolgreich EnumGDIPlusEnDecoders = True End Function '------------------------------------------------------ ' Funktion : Execute ' Beschreibung : Gibt im Fehlerfall die entsprechende ' GDI+ Fehlermeldung aus ' Übergabewert : GDI+ Status ' Rückgabewert : GDI+ Status '------------------------------------------------------ Private Function Execute(ByVal eReturn As Status) As Status Dim eCurErr As Status If eReturn = OK Then eCurErr = OK Else eCurErr = eReturn MsgBox GdiErrorString(eReturn) & " GDI+ Error:" _ & eReturn, vbOKOnly, "GDI Error" End If Execute = eCurErr End Function '------------------------------------------------------ ' Funktion : GdiErrorString ' Beschreibung : Umwandlung der GDI+ Statuscodes in Stringcodes ' Übergabewert : GDI+ Status ' Rückgabewert : Fehlercode als String '------------------------------------------------------ Private Function GdiErrorString(ByVal eError As Status) As String Dim s As String Select Case eError Case GenericError: s = "Generic Error." Case InvalidParameter: s = "Invalid Parameter." Case OutOfMemory: s = "Out Of Memory." Case ObjectBusy: s = "Object Busy." Case InsufficientBuffer: s = "Insufficient Buffer." Case NotImplemented: s = "Not Implemented." Case Win32Error: s = "Win32 Error." Case WrongState: s = "Wrong State." Case Aborted: s = "Aborted." Case FileNotFound: s = "File Not Found." Case ValueOverflow: s = "Value Overflow." Case AccessDenied: s = "Access Denied." Case UnknownImageFormat: s = "Unknown Image Format." Case FontFamilyNotFound: s = "FontFamily Not Found." Case FontStyleNotFound: s = "FontStyle Not Found." Case NotTrueTypeFont: s = "Not TrueType Font." Case UnsupportedGdiplusVersion: s = "Unsupported Gdiplus Version." Case GdiplusNotInitialized: s = "Gdiplus Not Initialized." Case PropertyNotFound: s = "Property Not Found." Case PropertyNotSupported: s = "Property Not Supported." Case Else: s = "Unknown GDI+ Error." End Select GdiErrorString = s End Function '------------------------------------------------------ ' Funktion : ShutdownGDIPlus ' Beschreibung : Beendet die GDI+ Instanz ' Rückgabewert : GDI+ Status '------------------------------------------------------ Private Function ShutdownGDIPlus() As Status ' Beendet GDI+ Instanz ShutdownGDIPlus = GdiplusShutdown(GdipToken) End Function '------------------------------------------------------ ' Funktion : StartUpGDIPlus ' Beschreibung : Initialisiert GDI+ Instanz ' Übergabewert : GDI+ Version ' Rückgabewert : GDI+ Status '------------------------------------------------------ Private Function StartUpGDIPlus(ByVal GdipVersion As Long) As Status ' Initialisieren der GDI+ Instanz Dim GdipStartupInput As GDIPlusStartupInput Dim GdipStartupOutput As GdiplusStartupOutput GdipStartupInput.GdiPlusVersion = GdipVersion StartUpGDIPlus = GdiplusStartup(GdipToken, _ GdipStartupInput, GdipStartupOutput) End Function '------------------------------------------------------ ' Funktion : StrFromPtrW ' Beschreibung : Konvertiert einen Pointer auf einen ' Unicode String zu einem Standard ANSI String ' Übergabewert : pOLESTR = Pointer auf einen Unicode String ' strOut = String '------------------------------------------------------ Private Sub StrFromPtrW(ByRef pOLESTR As Long, _ ByRef strOut As String) Dim bArray(255) As Byte Dim iTemp As Integer Dim iCount As Integer Dim i As Integer iTemp = 1 While iTemp <> 0 CopyMemory iTemp, ByVal pOLESTR + i, 2 bArray(iCount) = iTemp iCount = iCount + 1 i = i + 2 Wend CopyMemory ByVal strOut, bArray(0), iCount End Sub Private Sub cmdListEnDecoder_Click(Index As Integer) Dim lItem As Long Dim sType As String Dim sFileExt As String Dim eListType As EnDecoderType Dim tEnDecoderData() As GdipImageDeEncoders ' Typ festlegen If Index = 0 Then eListType = Encoder sType = "Encoder" Else eListType = Decoder sType = "Decoder" End If ' textBox leeren txtListEnDecoder.Text = vbNullString ' Auslesen der Daten If EnumGDIPlusEnDecoders(tEnDecoderData, _ eListType) = True Then txtListEnDecoder.Text = txtListEnDecoder.Text & _ "List GDI+ " & sType & vbNewLine & vbNewLine ' Alle Daten durchlaufen For lItem = 0 To UBound(tEnDecoderData) txtListEnDecoder.Text = txtListEnDecoder.Text & _ "GDI+ " & sType & " mimeType: " & _ tEnDecoderData(lItem).mimeType & vbNewLine txtListEnDecoder.Text = txtListEnDecoder.Text & _ "GDI+ " & sType & " CodecName: " & _ tEnDecoderData(lItem).CodecName & vbNewLine txtListEnDecoder.Text = txtListEnDecoder.Text & _ "GDI+ " & sType & " Version: " & _ tEnDecoderData(lItem).Version & vbNewLine txtListEnDecoder.Text = txtListEnDecoder.Text & _ "GDI+ " & sType & " FormatDescription: " & _ tEnDecoderData(lItem).FormatDescription & vbNewLine txtListEnDecoder.Text = txtListEnDecoder.Text & _ "GDI+ " & sType & " FilenameExtension: " & _ tEnDecoderData(lItem).FilenameExtension & vbNewLine sFileExt = sFileExt & _ tEnDecoderData(lItem).FilenameExtension & ";" txtListEnDecoder.Text = txtListEnDecoder.Text & _ "GDI+ " & sType & " Flags in Hex: " & _ "&H" & Hex$(tEnDecoderData(lItem).Flags) & vbNewLine If (tEnDecoderData(lItem).Flags And _ ImageCodecFlagsEncoder) _ = ImageCodecFlags.ImageCodecFlagsEncoder Then _ txtListEnDecoder.Text = txtListEnDecoder.Text & _ "GDI+ " & sType & " Flags: ImageCodecFlagsEncoder" & _ vbNewLine If (tEnDecoderData(lItem).Flags And _ ImageCodecFlagsDecoder) _ = ImageCodecFlags.ImageCodecFlagsDecoder Then _ txtListEnDecoder.Text = txtListEnDecoder.Text & _ "GDI+ " & sType & " Flags: ImageCodecFlagsDecoder" & _ vbNewLine If (tEnDecoderData(lItem).Flags And _ ImageCodecFlagsBlockingDecode) = _ ImageCodecFlags.ImageCodecFlagsBlockingDecode Then _ txtListEnDecoder.Text = txtListEnDecoder.Text & _ "GDI+ " & sType & _ " Flags: ImageCodecFlagsBlockingDecode" & vbNewLine If (tEnDecoderData(lItem).Flags And _ ImageCodecFlagsBuiltin) _ = ImageCodecFlags.ImageCodecFlagsBuiltin Then _ txtListEnDecoder.Text = txtListEnDecoder.Text & _ "GDI+ " & sType & " Flags: ImageCodecFlagsBuiltin" & _ vbNewLine If (tEnDecoderData(lItem).Flags And _ ImageCodecFlagsSeekableEncode) = _ ImageCodecFlags.ImageCodecFlagsSeekableEncode Then _ txtListEnDecoder.Text = txtListEnDecoder.Text & _ "GDI+ " & sType & _ " Flags: ImageCodecFlagsSeekableEncode" & vbNewLine If (tEnDecoderData(lItem).Flags And _ ImageCodecFlagsSupportBitmap) = _ ImageCodecFlags.ImageCodecFlagsSupportBitmap Then _ txtListEnDecoder.Text = txtListEnDecoder.Text & _ "GDI+ " & sType & _ " Flags: ImageCodecFlagsSupportBitmap" & vbNewLine If (tEnDecoderData(lItem).Flags And _ ImageCodecFlagsSupportVector) = _ ImageCodecFlags.ImageCodecFlagsSupportVector Then _ txtListEnDecoder.Text = txtListEnDecoder.Text & _ "GDI+ " & sType & _ " Flags: ImageCodecFlagsSupportVector" & vbNewLine If (tEnDecoderData(lItem).Flags And _ ImageCodecFlagsSystem) _ = ImageCodecFlags.ImageCodecFlagsSystem Then _ txtListEnDecoder.Text = txtListEnDecoder.Text & _ "GDI+ " & sType & " Flags: ImageCodecFlagsSystem" & _ vbNewLine If (tEnDecoderData(lItem).Flags And _ ImageCodecFlagsUser) _ = ImageCodecFlags.ImageCodecFlagsUser Then _ txtListEnDecoder.Text = txtListEnDecoder.Text & _ "GDI+ " & sType & " Flags: ImageCodecFlagsUser" & _ vbNewLine txtListEnDecoder.Text = txtListEnDecoder.Text & _ "GDI+ " & sType & " Clsid: " & _ tEnDecoderData(lItem).Clsid & vbNewLine txtListEnDecoder.Text = txtListEnDecoder.Text & _ vbNewLine & vbNewLine Next lItem If Index = 0 Then txtListEnDecoder.Text = txtListEnDecoder.Text & _ "GDI+ kann in folgenden Bildformaten speichern: " & _ Mid$(sFileExt, 1, Len(sFileExt) - 1) & vbNewLine Else txtListEnDecoder.Text = txtListEnDecoder.Text & _ "GDI+ kann folgende Bildformaten lesen: " & _ Mid$(sFileExt, 1, Len(sFileExt) - 1) & vbNewLine End If Else MsgBox "Konnte keine GDI+ " & sType & "daten ermitteln.", _ vbOKOnly, "GDI Error" End If Erase tEnDecoderData End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() GdipInitialized = False ' Formparameter setzen With Me .Height = 5985 .Width = 6930 .Caption = "List GDI+ Encoder and Decoder" End With ' TextBoxparameter setzen With txtListEnDecoder .Move 60, 60, 6700, 5000 ' Parameter im müssen im ' Entwurfsmodus gesetzt werden '.MultiLine = True '.ScrollBars = 3 End With ' Buttonparameter setzen With cmdListEnDecoder(0) .Caption = "List GDI+ Encoder Infos" .Move 60, 60 + txtListEnDecoder.Top + _ txtListEnDecoder.Height, 2085, 400 .Enabled = False End With ' Buttonparameter setzen With cmdListEnDecoder(1) .Caption = "List GDI+ Decoder Infos" .Move 60 + cmdListEnDecoder(0).Left + _ cmdListEnDecoder(0).Width, 60 + _ txtListEnDecoder.Top + _ txtListEnDecoder.Height, 2085, 400 .Enabled = False End With ' GDI+ initialisieren If Execute(StartUpGDIPlus(GdiPlusVersion)) = OK Then GdipInitialized = True ' Buttons aktivieren cmdListEnDecoder(0).Enabled = True cmdListEnDecoder(1).Enabled = True Else ' initialisirung fehlgeschlagen MsgBox "GDI+ not inizialized.", vbOKOnly, "GDI Error" End If End Sub Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer) ' ist GDI+ initialisiert If GdipInitialized = True Then ' GDI+ benden Call Execute(ShutdownGDIPlus) End If End Sub '--- Ende Formular "frmDGIPlusEnDeCoder" alias frmDGIPlusEnDeCoder.frm --- '---------- Ende Projektdatei DGIPlusEnDeCoder.vbp ----------
Windows/VB-Version | Win32s | Win95 | Win98 | WinME | WinNT4 | Win2000 | WinXP |
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VB5 | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
VB6 | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
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