VB 5/6-Tipp 0657: Gewähltes Programm aus dem "Öffnen mit"-Dialog auslesen
von Philipp Stephani
Folgender Code zeigt den "Öffnen mit"-Dialog an und liest das ausgewählt Programm aus. Dazu werden die Import Address Tables für CreateProcessW und CreateProcessA verändert.
Schwierigkeitsgrad: | Verwendete API-Aufrufe: CreateProcessA, CreateProcessW, FreeLibrary, GetMem4, ImageNtHeader, LoadLibraryA, OpenAs_RunDLLA, PutMem4, RtlMoveMemory, VirtualProtect, lstrcmpA, lstrcmpiA, lstrlenA, lstrlenW | Download: |
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'------------- Anfang Projektdatei Projekt1.vbp ------------- '------- Anfang Modul "Module1" alias modOpenWith.bas ------- Option Explicit Private Declare Sub GetMem4 Lib "msvbvm60.dll" ( _ ByVal Source As Long, _ ByRef Destination As Long _ ) Private Declare Sub PutMem4 Lib "msvbvm60.dll" ( _ ByVal Destination As Long, _ ByVal Source As Long _ ) Private Declare Sub RtlMoveMemory Lib "kernel32.dll" ( _ ByVal Destination As Long, _ ByVal Source As Long, _ ByVal Length As Long _ ) Private Declare Function CreateProcessW Lib "kernel32.dll" ( _ ByVal lpApplicationName As Long, _ ByVal lpCommandLine As Long, _ ByVal lpProcessAttributes As Long, _ ByVal lpThreadAttributes As Long, _ ByVal bInheritHandles As Long, _ ByVal dwCreationFlags As Long, _ ByVal lpEnvironment As Long, _ ByVal lpCurrentDirectory As Long, _ ByVal lpStartupInfo As Long, _ ByVal lpProcessInformation As Long _ ) As Long Private Declare Function CreateProcessA Lib "kernel32.dll" ( _ ByVal lpApplicationName As Long, _ ByVal lpCommandLine As Long, _ ByVal lpProcessAttributes As Long, _ ByVal lpThreadAttributes As Long, _ ByVal bInheritHandles As Long, _ ByVal dwCreationFlags As Long, _ ByVal lpEnvironment As Long, _ ByVal lpCurrentDirectory As Long, _ ByVal lpStartupInfo As Long, _ ByVal lpProcessInformation As Long _ ) As Long Private Declare Function LoadLibraryA Lib "kernel32.dll" ( _ ByVal lpLibFileName As String _ ) As Long Private Declare Function FreeLibrary Lib "kernel32.dll" ( _ ByVal hLibModule As Long _ ) As Long Private Declare Function VirtualProtect Lib "kernel32.dll" ( _ ByVal lpAddress As Long, _ ByVal dwSize As Long, _ ByVal flNewProtect As Long, _ ByRef lpflOldProtect As Long _ ) As Long Private Declare Function lstrlenW Lib "kernel32.dll" ( _ ByVal lpString As Long _ ) As Long Private Declare Function lstrlenA Lib "kernel32.dll" ( _ ByVal lpString As Long _ ) As Long Private Declare Function lstrcmpA Lib "kernel32.dll" ( _ ByVal lpString1 As Long, _ ByVal lpString2 As String _ ) As Long Private Declare Function lstrcmpiA Lib "kernel32.dll" ( _ ByVal lpString1 As Long, _ ByVal lpString2 As String _ ) As Long Private Declare Function ImageNtHeader Lib "imagehlp.dll" ( _ ByVal ImageBase As Long _ ) As Long Private Declare Function OpenAs_RunDLLA Lib "shell32.dll" ( _ ByVal hWnd As Long, _ ByVal hInstance As Long, _ ByVal lpszCmdLine As String, _ ByVal nCmdShow As Long _ ) As Long Private Const PAGE_READWRITE As Long = &H4& Private Const IMAGE_NUMBEROF_DIRECTORY_ENTRIES As Long = 16& Private Const IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IMPORT As Long = 1& Private Type IMAGE_FILE_HEADER Machine As Integer NumberOfSections As Integer TimeDateStamp As Long PointerToSymbolTable As Long NumberOfSymbols As Long SizeOfOptionalHeader As Integer Characteristics As Integer End Type Private Type IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY VirtualAddress As Long Size As Long End Type Private Type IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER Magic As Integer MajorLinkerVersion As Byte MinorLinkerVersion As Byte SizeOfCode As Long SizeOfInitializedData As Long SizeOfUninitializedData As Long AddressOfEntryPoint As Long BaseOfCode As Long BaseOfData As Long ImageBase As Long SectionAlignment As Long FileAlignment As Long MajorOperatingSystemVersion As Integer MinorOperatingSystemVersion As Integer MajorImageVersion As Integer MinorImageVersion As Integer MajorSubsystemVersion As Integer MinorSubsystemVersion As Integer Reserved1 As Long SizeOfImage As Long SizeOfHeaders As Long CheckSum As Long Subsystem As Integer DllCharacteristics As Integer SizeOfStackReserve As Long SizeOfStackCommit As Long SizeOfHeapReserve As Long SizeOfHeapCommit As Long LoaderFlags As Long NumberOfRvaAndSizes As Long DataDirectory(0 To IMAGE_NUMBEROF_DIRECTORY_ENTRIES - 1) As _ IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY End Type Private Type IMAGE_NT_HEADERS Signature As Long FileHeader As IMAGE_FILE_HEADER OptionalHeader As IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER End Type Private Type IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR ImportLookupTableRVA As Long TimeDateStamp As Long ForwarderChain As Long NameRVA As Long ImportAddressTableRVA As Long End Type Private Sub Main() Dim ModuleBase As Long Dim HeaderPointer As Long Dim HeaderData As IMAGE_NT_HEADERS Dim ImportTablePointer As Long Dim ImportTableData As IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR Dim LookupTablePointer As Long Dim LookupTableData As Long Dim AddressTablePointer As Long Dim FunctionName As Long Dim FunctionPointerW As Long Dim FunctionPointerA As Long Dim OriginalAddressW As Long Dim OriginalAddressA As Long Dim Protection As Long ModuleBase = LoadLibraryA("shell32.dll") HeaderPointer = ImageNtHeader(ModuleBase) RtlMoveMemory VarPtr(HeaderData), HeaderPointer, Len(HeaderData) With HeaderData.OptionalHeader ImportTablePointer = ModuleBase + _ .DataDirectory(IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IMPORT).VirtualAddress End With Do RtlMoveMemory VarPtr(ImportTableData), ImportTablePointer, _ Len(ImportTableData) If lstrcmpiA(ModuleBase + ImportTableData.NameRVA, _ "kernel32.dll") = 0 Then LookupTablePointer = ModuleBase + _ ImportTableData.ImportLookupTableRVA AddressTablePointer = ModuleBase + _ ImportTableData.ImportAddressTableRVA Do GetMem4 LookupTablePointer, LookupTableData If LookupTableData = 0 Then Exit Do If (LookupTableData And &H80000000) = &H0& Then FunctionName = ModuleBase + _ (LookupTableData And &H7FFFFFFF) + 2 If lstrcmpA(FunctionName, "CreateProcessW") = 0 Then FunctionPointerW = AddressTablePointer ElseIf lstrcmpA(FunctionName, "CreateProcessA") = 0 Then FunctionPointerA = AddressTablePointer End If End If LookupTablePointer = LookupTablePointer + 4 AddressTablePointer = AddressTablePointer + 4 Loop Exit Do End If ImportTablePointer = ImportTablePointer + Len(ImportTableData) Loop If FunctionPointerW Then VirtualProtect FunctionPointerW, 4, PAGE_READWRITE, Protection GetMem4 FunctionPointerW, OriginalAddressW PutMem4 FunctionPointerW, AddressOf CreateProcessHookW End If If FunctionPointerA Then VirtualProtect FunctionPointerW, 4, PAGE_READWRITE, Protection GetMem4 FunctionPointerA, OriginalAddressA PutMem4 FunctionPointerA, AddressOf CreateProcessHookA End If OpenAs_RunDLLA 0, 0, "C:\Bootlog.txt", 0 If FunctionPointerW Then PutMem4 FunctionPointerW, OriginalAddressW If FunctionPointerA Then PutMem4 FunctionPointerA, OriginalAddressA FreeLibrary ModuleBase End Sub Private Function CreateProcessHookW(ByVal lpApplicationName As Long, _ ByVal lpCommandLine As Long, ByVal lpProcessAttributes As Long, _ ByVal lpThreadAttributes As Long, ByVal bInheritHandles As Long, _ ByVal dwCreationFlags As Long, ByVal lpEnvironment As Long, _ ByVal lpCurrentDirectory As Long, ByVal lpStartupInfo As Long, _ ByVal lpProcessInformation As Long) As Long If Prompt(PtrToStrW(lpApplicationName), PtrToStrW(lpCommandLine)) Then CreateProcessHookW = CreateProcessW(lpApplicationName, _ lpCommandLine, lpProcessAttributes, lpThreadAttributes, _ bInheritHandles, dwCreationFlags, lpEnvironment, _ lpCurrentDirectory, lpStartupInfo, lpProcessInformation) End If End Function Private Function CreateProcessHookA(ByVal lpApplicationName As Long, _ ByVal lpCommandLine As Long, ByVal lpProcessAttributes As Long, _ ByVal lpThreadAttributes As Long, ByVal bInheritHandles As Long, _ ByVal dwCreationFlags As Long, ByVal lpEnvironment As Long, _ ByVal lpCurrentDirectory As Long, ByVal lpStartupInfo As Long, _ ByVal lpProcessInformation As Long) As Long If Prompt(PtrToStrA(lpApplicationName), PtrToStrA(lpCommandLine)) Then CreateProcessHookA = CreateProcessA(lpApplicationName, lpCommandLine, _ lpProcessAttributes, lpThreadAttributes, bInheritHandles, _ dwCreationFlags, lpEnvironment, lpCurrentDirectory, _ lpStartupInfo, lpProcessInformation) End If End Function Private Function PtrToStrW(ByVal Pointer As Long) As String Dim Length As Long If Pointer Then Length = lstrlenW(Pointer) If Length > 0 Then PtrToStrW = String$(Length, 0) RtlMoveMemory StrPtr(PtrToStrW), Pointer, Length * 2 End If End If End Function Private Function PtrToStrA(ByVal Pointer As Long) As String Dim Length As Long Dim Buffer() As Byte If Pointer Then Length = lstrlenA(Pointer) If Length > 0 Then ReDim Buffer(0 To Length - 1) RtlMoveMemory VarPtr(Buffer(0)), Pointer, Length PtrToStrA = StrConv(Buffer, vbUnicode) End If End If End Function Private Function Prompt(ByRef AppName As String, _ ByRef CmdLine As String) As Boolean Prompt = (MsgBox("Es wird versucht, folgende Befehlszeile " & _ "auszuführen:" & vbNewLine & CmdLine & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & _ "Dazu soll folgendes Programm verwendet werden: " & vbNewLine & _ AppName & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & _ "Wollen Sie das zulassen?", vbYesNo Or vbQuestion) = vbYes) End Function '-------- Ende Modul "Module1" alias modOpenWith.bas -------- '-------------- Ende Projektdatei Projekt1.vbp --------------
Windows/VB-Version | Win32s | Win95 | Win98 | WinME | WinNT4 | Win2000 | WinXP |
VB4 | |||||||
VB5 | |||||||
VB6 |
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