VB 5/6-Tipp 0521: Midi-Töne erzeugen
von Klaus Langbein
Mit diesem Tipp lassen sich Midi Klänge erzeugen
Schwierigkeitsgrad: | Verwendete API-Aufrufe: midiOutOpen (MIDIOutOpen), midiOutClose, midiOutGetDevCapsA (midiOutGetDevCaps), midiOutGetErrorTextA (midiOutGetErrorText), midiOutGetNumDevs, midiOutGetVolume, midiOutSetVolume, midiOutShortMsg | Download: |
'Dieser Quellcode stammt von http://www.activevb.de 'und kann frei verwendet werden. Für eventuelle Schäden 'wird nicht gehaftet. 'Um Fehler oder Fragen zu klären, nutzen Sie bitte unser Forum. 'Ansonsten viel Spaß und Erfolg mit diesem Source! '----------- Anfang Projektdatei Simple_midi.vbp ----------- '--------- Anfang Formular "mainF" alias FORM1.FRM --------- ' Steuerelement: Schaltfläche "Command8" ' Steuerelement: Textfeld "TxtNote" ' Steuerelement: Schaltfläche "Command4" ' Steuerelement: Listen-Steuerelement "lst_sound_list" ' Steuerelement: Schaltfläche "Command1" ' Steuerelement: Listen-Steuerelement "List1" ' Steuerelement: Beschriftungsfeld "Label2" ' Steuerelement: Beschriftungsfeld "Label1" ' ' Autor: K. Langbein Klaus@ActiveVB.de ' Chronologie: ' Dieser Sourcecode basiert auf der Vorarbeit von M. Levoi ' mlevoi@modemss.brisnet.org.au. Die ursprünglichen Midi-Routinen wurden ' in MIDI_CMD zusammengefasst. ' Überarbeitet und kommentiert von Thomas Rodemer, Thomas@ActveVB.de ' Kleiner Hinweis: Falls das Programm über die IDE beendet wurde, während ' der Ausgabekanal noch offen war, kann beim Neustart der Midikanal nicht ' initialisiert werden. Daher wird bei jeder Initialisierung des Midi-Kanals ' (in midi_out_open) das entsprechende Handle in ein File geschrieben. Per ' Reset-Button können nach einem Neustart alle zuvor geöffneten Handles ' geschlossen werden. Option Explicit Private Sub fill_sound_list() 'Einlesen der Beispiel-Soundliste Dim s As String Open App.Path & "\genmidi.txt" For Input As #1 Do While Not EOF(1) Line Input #1, s lst_sound_list.AddItem s Loop Close #1 End Sub Private Sub Command1_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, Y As Single) 'Die Note C4 abspielen Call note_on(0, 60, vol) End Sub Private Sub Command1_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, Y As Single) 'Alle Ton-Ausgaben abbrechen all_sounds_off End Sub Private Sub Command4_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, Y As Single) 'Die Note des Textfeldes abspielen Dim A$ A$ = TxtNote.Text Call play_note(A$, vol) End Sub Private Sub Command4_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, Y As Single) 'Alle Ton-Ausgaben abbrechen all_sounds_off End Sub Private Sub Command8_Click() ' Der Reset-Knopf Call midi_out_close Call free_old_midi_handles(chop_slash(App.Path) + "\handles.log") sett = 1 List1.ListIndex = 0 sett = 0 List1.ListIndex = 1 End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() Call midi_listoutdevs(List1) Call fill_sound_list List1.ListIndex = 1 vol = 127 End Sub Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer) ' Den Ausgabekanal freigeben midi_out_close End Sub Private Sub List1_Click() ' Wird ein Item in List1 geklickt, den gewünschten Sound abspielen Dim x As Integer If sett = 0 Then midi_out_close If List1.ListIndex > 0 Then x = midi_out_open(List1.ItemData(List1.ListIndex)) End If End If End Sub Private Sub lst_sound_list_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer) ' Wenn Enter-Taste gedrückt worden, den gewünschten Sound abspielen If KeyCode = 13 Then Call program_change(0, 0, lst_sound_list.ListIndex) Call note_on(0, 60, vol) End If End Sub Private Sub lst_sound_list_MouseDown(Button As Integer, _ Shift As Integer, x As Single, Y As Single) ' Wird ein Item in List1 geklickt, den gewünschten Sound abspielen Call program_change(0, 0, lst_sound_list.ListIndex) Call note_on(0, 60, vol) End Sub Private Sub lst_sound_list_MouseUp(Button As Integer, _ Shift As Integer, x As Single, Y As Single) 'Alle Ton-Ausgaben abbrechen all_sounds_off End Sub '---------- Ende Formular "mainF" alias FORM1.FRM ---------- '-------- Anfang Modul "MIDI_CMD" alias midi_cmd.bas -------- ' ' Autor: K. Langbein Klaus@ActiveVB.de ' ' Chronologie: ' Dieser Sourcecode basiert auf der Vorarbeit von M. Levoi, ' mlevoi@modemss.brisnet.org.au. Die ursprünglichen Midi-Routinen wurden ' in MIDI_CMD.Bas zusammengefasst. ' ' MIDI_CMD.Bas History ' This Sample is based on the work of M. Levoi, ' http://www.modemss.brisnet.org.au/~mlevoi/index.html ' combined MIDI_CMD and MIDI_out to one file ' minor modifications (ie indentations changed) ' KL_midi relies on this module. ' Dim m_hmidiout As Long ' ************************************************************************** ' ' Multimedia API Declares adapted from MMSYSTEM.H ' ' Copyright (c) 1990-1993, Microsoft Corp. All rights reserved. ' ' ************************************************************************** Global Const MIDIERR_BASE = 64 ' *************************************************************************** ' General constants and data types ' ****************************************************************************/ ' general constants Global Const MAXPNAMELEN = 32 ' max product name length (including NULL) Global Const MAXERRORLENGTH = 128 ' max error text length (including NULL) Global Const MM_MIM_OPEN = &H3C1 ' MIDI input Global Const MM_MIM_CLOSE = &H3C2 Global Const MM_MIM_DATA = &H3C3 Global Const MM_MIM_LONGDATA = &H3C4 Global Const MM_MIM_ERROR = &H3C5 Global Const MM_MIM_LONGERROR = &H3C6 Global Const MM_MOM_OPEN = &H3C7 ' MIDI output Global Const MM_MOM_CLOSE = &H3C8 Global Const MM_MOM_DONE = &H3C9 ' *************************************************************************** ' MIDI audio support ' ****************************************************************************/ ' MIDI error return values Global Const MIDIERR_UNPREPARED = (MIDIERR_BASE + 0) ' header not prepared Global Const MIDIERR_STILLPLAYING = (MIDIERR_BASE + 1) ' still something playing Global Const MIDIERR_NOMAP = (MIDIERR_BASE + 2) ' no current map Global Const MIDIERR_NOTREADY = (MIDIERR_BASE + 3) ' hardware is still busy Global Const MIDIERR_NODEVICE = (MIDIERR_BASE + 4) ' port no longer connected Global Const MIDIERR_INVALIDSETUP = (MIDIERR_BASE + 5) ' invalid setup Global Const MIDIERR_LASTERROR = (MIDIERR_BASE + 5) ' last error in range Global Const MIDIPATCHSIZE = 128 ' MIDI callback messages Global Const MIM_OPEN = MM_MIM_OPEN Global Const MIM_CLOSE = MM_MIM_CLOSE Global Const MIM_DATA = MM_MIM_DATA Global Const MIM_LONGDATA = MM_MIM_LONGDATA Global Const MIM_ERROR = MM_MIM_ERROR Global Const MIM_LONGERROR = MM_MIM_LONGERROR Global Const MOM_OPEN = MM_MOM_OPEN Global Const MOM_CLOSE = MM_MOM_CLOSE Global Const MOM_DONE = MM_MOM_DONE ' device ID for MIDI mapper Global Const MIDIMAPPER = (-1) Global Const MIDI_MAPPER = (-1) ' flags for wFlags parm of midiOutCachePatches(), midiOutCacheDrumPatches() Global Const MIDI_CACHE_ALL = 1 Global Const MIDI_CACHE_BESTFIT = 2 Global Const MIDI_CACHE_QUERY = 3 Global Const MIDI_UNCACHE = 4 ' flags for wTechnology field of MIDIOUTCAPS structure Global Const MOD_MIDIPORT = 1 ' output port Global Const MOD_SYNTH = 2 ' generic internal synth Global Const MOD_SQSYNTH = 3 ' square wave internal synth Global Const MOD_FMSYNTH = 4 ' FM internal synth Global Const MOD_MAPPER = 5 ' MIDI mapper ' flags for dwSupport field of MIDIOUTCAPS structure Global Const MIDICAPS_VOLUME = &H1 ' supports volume control Global Const MIDICAPS_LRVOLUME = &H2 ' separate left-right volume control Global Const MIDICAPS_CACHE = &H4 ' flags for dwFlags field of MIDIHDR structure Global Const MHDR_DONE = &H1 ' done bit Global Const MHDR_PREPARED = &H2 ' set if header prepared Global Const MHDR_INQUEUE = &H4 ' reserved for driver ' MIDI output device capabilities structure Type MIDIOUTCAPS wMid As Integer ' Manufacturer ID wPid As Integer ' Product ID vDriverVersion As Long ' Driver version szPname As String * 32 ' Product name (NULL terminated string) wTechnology As Integer ' Device type wVoices As Integer ' n. of voices (internal synth only) wNotes As Integer ' max n. of notes (internal synth only) wChannelMask As Integer ' n. of Midi channels (internal synth only) dwSupport As Long ' Supported extra controllers (volume, etc) End Type ' Private Declare Function midiOutGetNumDevs Lib "winmm" () As Integer Private Declare Function midiOutGetDevCaps Lib "winmm.dll" _ Alias "midiOutGetDevCapsA" ( _ ByVal uDeviceID As Long, _ lpCaps As MIDIOUTCAPS, _ ByVal uSize As Long) As Long Private Declare Function midiOutGetVolume Lib "winmm.dll" ( _ ByVal uDeviceID As Long, _ lpdwVolume As Long) As Long Private Declare Function midiOutSetVolume Lib "winmm.dll" ( _ ByVal uDeviceID As Long, _ ByVal dwVolume As Long) As Long Private Declare Function midiOutGetErrorText Lib "winmm.dll" _ Alias "midiOutGetErrorTextA" ( _ ByVal err As Long, _ ByVal lpText As String, _ ByVal uSize As Long) As Long Private Declare Function MIDIOutOpen Lib "winmm.dll" _ Alias "midiOutOpen" ( _ lphMidiOut As Long, _ ByVal uDeviceID As Long, _ ByVal dwCallback As Long, _ ByVal dwInstance As Long, _ ByVal dwFlags As Long) As Long Public Declare Function midiOutClose Lib "winmm.dll" ( _ ByVal hMidiOut As Long) As Long Private Declare Function midiOutShortMsg Lib "winmm.dll" ( _ ByVal hMidiOut As Long, _ ByVal dwMsg As Long) As Long Sub midi_listoutdevs(c As Control) ' must receive a list or combo control to take the list Dim i As Integer Dim x As Integer Dim midicaps As MIDIOUTCAPS c.Clear c.AddItem "No selection" ' Test for MIDI mapper If midiOutGetDevCaps(MIDIMAPPER, midicaps, Len(midicaps)) = 0 Then ' OK c.AddItem midicaps.szPname c.ItemData(c.NewIndex) = MIDIMAPPER ' Save dev_id in item data End If ' Add other devs For i = 0 To midiOutGetNumDevs() - 1 If midiOutGetDevCaps(i, midicaps, Len(midicaps)) = 0 Then ' OK c.AddItem midicaps.szPname c.ItemData(c.NewIndex) = i ' Save dev_id End If Next End Sub Sub midi_out_close() Dim midi_error As Integer If m_hmidiout <> 0 Then midi_error = midiOutClose(m_hmidiout) If Not midi_error = 0 Then Call midi_outerr(midi_error) End If m_hmidiout = 0 End If End Sub Function midi_out_open(ByVal dev_id As Integer) As Integer Dim midi_error As Integer midi_out_close ' just in case (And it dont hurt) midi_error = MIDIOutOpen(m_hmidiout, dev_id, 0, 0, 0) If Not midi_error = 0 Then Call midi_outerr(midi_error) End If If m_hmidiout <> 0 Then midi_out_open = -1 x = write_handle(chop_slash(App.Path) + "\handles.log", "Midi-handle", m_hmidiout) Else End If End Function Sub midi_outerr(ByVal midi_error As Integer) Dim s As String Dim x As Integer s = Space(MAXERRORLENGTH) x = midiOutGetErrorText(midi_error, s, MAXERRORLENGTH) 'If Not g_debug Then MsgBox s 'End If End Sub Sub midi_outshort(b1 As Integer, b2 As Integer, b3 As Integer) Dim midi_error As Integer If m_hmidiout = 0 Then Exit Sub End If midi_error = midiOutShortMsg(m_hmidiout, packdword(0, b3, b2, b1)) If Not midi_error = 0 Then Call midi_outerr(midi_error) End If End Sub Function packdword(i1 As Integer, i2 As Integer, i3 As Integer, i4 As Integer) As Long On Error Resume Next packdword = i2 * &H10000 + i3 * &H100 + i4 End Function Sub all_sounds_off() Dim channel As Integer For channel = 0 To 15 Call midi_outshort(&HB0 + channel, &H78, 0) Call midi_outshort(&HB0 + channel, &H7B, 0) Next End Sub Sub control_change(ch As Integer, ccnr As Integer, ByVal v As Integer) Call midi_outshort(&HB0 + ch, ccnr, v) End Sub Sub note_off(ch As Integer, ByVal kk As Integer) Call midi_outshort(&H90 + ch, kk, 0) End Sub Sub note_on(ch As Integer, ByVal kk As Integer, v As Integer) ch = ch + 0 Call midi_outshort(&H90 + ch, kk, v) End Sub Sub program_change(ch As Integer, cc0nr As Integer, ByVal pnr As Integer) Call midi_outshort(&HB0 + ch, cc0nr, 0) Call midi_outshort(&HC0 + ch, pnr, 0) End Sub '--------- Ende Modul "MIDI_CMD" alias midi_cmd.bas --------- '--------- Anfang Modul "KL_MIDI" alias KL_midi.bas --------- ' ' Autor: K. Langbein Klaus@ActiveVB.de Option Explicit Global stopp As Long Global key_on(255) As Long Global sett As Long Global vol As Integer Function free_old_midi_handles(ByVal Fname As String) Dim f_in$, test$, fno1, fno2, ll, test1$, dat$, timm$, typ$, htype$ Dim hand$, midi_error, ero$ f_in$ = get_path(Fname$) + "\temp.log" test$ = Dir$(f_in$) If test$ <> "" Then Kill f_in$ End If Name Fname$ As f_in$ fno1 = FreeFile Open f_in$ For Input As #fno1 fno2 = FreeFile Open Fname$ For Output As #fno2 ll = LOF(fno1) Do Line Input #fno1, test1$ test$ = test1$ If test$ <> "" Then dat$ = bite(test$, " ") End If If test$ <> "" Then timm$ = bite(test$, " ") End If If test$ <> "" Then typ$ = bite(test$, " ") End If If test$ <> "" Then htype$ = bite(test$, " ") End If If test$ <> "" Then hand = Val(bite(test$, " ")) End If If LCase(typ$) = "new" Then If LCase(htype$) = "midi-handle" Then If hand <> 0 Then midi_error = midiOutClose(hand) If midi_error <> 0 Then ero$ = "Error: " + Format$(midi_error) Else ero$ = "No Error" End If test$ = dat$ + " " + timm$ + " " + "Released" + " " + htype$ + " " + _ Format$(hand) + " " + ero$ + " at " + Date$ + " " + Time$ + vbCrLf Print #fno2, test$; Else Print #fno2, test1$ + vbCrLf; End If Else Print #fno2, test1$ + vbCrLf; End If Else Print #fno2, test1$ + vbCrLf; End If Loop Until Seek(fno1) >= ll Close #fno1 Close #fno2 End Function Function play_note(ByVal A$, ByVal vv As Integer) As Long ' Diese Funktion spielt den gewünschten Sound ab. ' Die einzelnen Töne werden in die entsprechenden ' Werte geändert, mit einer Pause versehen und ' anschließend ausgegeben. Dim note As Integer Dim okt As Integer Dim i As Long Dim j As Long Dim kk As Long Dim n$ Dim k$ Dim ch Dim off As Long Dim num$ For i = 1 To Len(A$) k$ = Mid$(A$, i, 1) kk = Asc(k$) If (kk < 65) Then j = i Exit For End If Next i If j > 0 Then If j - 1 < Len(A$) Then n$ = Left$(A$, j - 1) num$ = Right$(A$, Len(A$) - Len(n$)) okt = Val(num$) - 1 End If Else n$ = A$ End If Select Case n$ Case "c" off = 0 Case "cis" off = 1 Case "d" off = 2 Case "dis" off = 3 Case "e" off = 4 Case "f" off = 5 Case "fis" off = 6 Case "g" off = 7 Case "gis" off = 8 Case "a" off = 9 Case "ais" off = 10 Case "h" off = 11 Case "p" Call pause(okt * 0.1, 0) okt = 0 End Select If n$ <> "p" Then note = 60 + okt * 12 + off Call midi_outshort(&H90 + ch, note, vv) play_note = note End If End Function Function write_handle(ByVal Fname$, ByVal htype$, ByVal hand As Long) As Long ' Schreibt in die Log-Datei Dim fno, test$ fno = FreeFile Open Fname$ For Append As #fno If LOF(fno) > 0 Then Seek #fno, LOF(fno) + 1 End If test$ = Date$ + " " + Time$ + " New " + htype$ + " " + Format$(hand) + vbCrLf Print #fno, test$; Close #fno End Function '---------- Ende Modul "KL_MIDI" alias KL_midi.bas ---------- '------- Anfang Modul "Functions" alias Functions.bas ------- ' ' Autor: K. Langbein Klaus@ActiveVB.de Option Explicit Function get_path(fnam$) As String ' Pfaddatei auslesen Dim Pos As Integer Dim t$ For Pos = Len(fnam$) To 1 Step -1 t$ = Mid$(fnam$, Pos, 1) If t$ = "\" Then Exit For End If Next Pos If Pos > 0 Then t$ = Left$(fnam$, Pos - 1) Else t$ = fnam$ End If get_path = UCase(t$) End Function Function chop_slash(ByVal test$) As String If Right$(test$, 1) = "\" Then test$ = Left$(test$, Len(test$) - 1) End If chop_slash = test$ End Function Function bite$(tests$, delim$) ' Die Variable test$ wird verändert und zurückgegeben Dim Pos As Integer Dim bit$ Pos = InStr(1, tests$, delim$, 1) If Pos > 0 Then bit$ = Left$(tests$, Pos - 1) tests$ = Right$(tests$, Len(tests$) - Len(bit$) - Len(delim$)) Else bit$ = tests$ End If bite$ = bit$ End Function Sub pause(ByVal pau As Single, ByVal doev As Integer) Dim t As Single t = Timer Do If doev = 1 Then DoEvents End If Loop Until (Timer - t) >= pau End Sub '-------- Ende Modul "Functions" alias Functions.bas -------- '------------ Ende Projektdatei Simple_midi.vbp ------------
Windows/VB-Version | Win32s | Win95 | Win98 | WinME | WinNT4 | Win2000 | WinXP |
VB4 | |||||||
VB5 | |||||||
VB6 |
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Kommentar von Adrian am 26.08.2006 um 21:13
Weiss einer wie man auf ein MIDI-Port zugreifen kann?
Kommentar von Willibald Limbrunner am 16.01.2006 um 14:26
Hallo Herr Langbein,
wie kann ich auf mehrere Kanäle ausgeben, um mehrere Töne als Akkord spielen zu können und wie kann ich die Töne in beliebigen Frequenzen ausgeben ohne die Stufung der Tonleiter?
Kommentar von Holger am 15.09.2004 um 09:37
Hier meine Mailadresse
Kommentar von Holger am 15.09.2004 um 08:37
Ich habe den Code ausprobiert, und er funktionierte
Habe ihn versucht zu verstehen, und habe es geschafft,
zufällige MIDI Töne mit unterschiedlich langen ( zufälligen )
Pausen zu erzeugen.
Was ich nicht ganz verstehe ist, wie kann ich mit Oktaven
umgehen, und wie kann ich mehrere Kanäle nutzen.
Um etwa eine Begleit Melodie abzuspielen und gleichzeitig
andere Instrumente ...
Über eine Antwort / Hinweis wäre ich sehr erfreut.
Dank und Gruß
Kommentar von CAROLITO am 04.02.2004 um 08:19
ich bin von Frenkreich
- Est-ce que vous avez la même chose mais avec les explications en français ?
Je connais le VISUAL BASIC 6.0 je cherche désespérément un cours complet sur les API(s) MIDI de la WINMM.DLL ... mais en France il n'y a rien sur le sujet !!!
Si vous pouvez m'aider MERCI !!!