VB 5/6-Tipp 0267: Version einer Datei erfahren, FileVersionInfo
von Oliver Meyer
Die Klasse FileVersionInfo extrahiert so wie die gleichnamige Klasse des .NET-FX alle Strings aus eine binären Datei mit Versionsresource. Dies kann dann sinnvoll sein, wenn die String und Integer-Variante unterschiedliche Versionen liefern.
Update am 15.01.2011: Dieser Tipp wurde von Oliver Meyer mithilfe des Tippuploads überarbeitet und ersetzt.
Schwierigkeitsgrad: | Verwendete API-Aufrufe: RtlMoveMemory, GetFileVersionInfoW (pGetFileVersionInfo), GetFileVersionInfoSizeW (pGetFileVersionInfoSize), VerLanguageNameA (pVerLanguageName), VerQueryValueW (pVerQueryValue), lstrcpyW (plstrcpy), lstrlenA (plstrlen) | Download: |
'Dieser Quellcode stammt von http://www.activevb.de 'und kann frei verwendet werden. Für eventuelle Schäden 'wird nicht gehaftet. 'Um Fehler oder Fragen zu klären, nutzen Sie bitte unser Forum. 'Ansonsten viel Spaß und Erfolg mit diesem Source! '-------- Anfang Projektdatei vbpFileVersionInfo.vbp -------- '--------- Anfang Formular "Form1" alias Form1.frm --------- ' Steuerelement: Schaltfläche "BtnFileVersion" ' Steuerelement: Textfeld "TxtFileVersionInfo" ' Steuerelement: Textfeld "TxtFileName" Option Explicit Private FileVersionInfo As New FileVersionInfo Private Sub Form_Load() TxtFileName.Text = "C:\Windows\System32\kernel32.dll" End Sub Private Sub BtnFileVersion_Click() Dim VI As FileVersionInfo On Error Goto CatchE Set VI = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(TxtFileName.Text) TxtFileVersionInfo.Text = VI.ToString Exit Sub CatchE: MsgBox ("Probably file not found") End Sub Private Sub Form_Resize() Dim L As Single, T As Single, W As Single, H As Single Dim Brdr As Single: Brdr = 8 * 15 L = TxtFileName.Left T = TxtFileName.Top W = Form1.ScaleWidth - Brdr - L H = TxtFileName.Height If ((W > 0) And (H > 0)) Then Call TxtFileName.Move(L, T, W, H) L = TxtFileVersionInfo.Left T = TxtFileVersionInfo.Top W = Form1.ScaleWidth - Brdr - L H = Form1.ScaleHeight - Brdr - T If ((W > 0) And (H > 0)) Then Call TxtFileVersionInfo.Move(L, T, W, H) End Sub Private Sub TxtFileName_KeyUp(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer) If KeyCode = vbEnter Then BtnFileVersion_Click End If End Sub '---------- Ende Formular "Form1" alias Form1.frm ---------- '--- Anfang Klasse "FileVersionInfo" alias FileVersionInfo.cls --- Option Explicit 'Public NotInheritable Class FileVersionInfo ' Inherits System.Object ' Member von: System.Diagnostics 'Zusammenfassung: ' Stellt Versionsinformationen zu einer physischen ' Datei auf einem Datenträger bereit. #If defUnicode Then Private Declare Function pGetFileVersionInfoSize Lib "version.dll" _ Alias "GetFileVersionInfoSizeW" ( _ ByVal lptstrFilename As String, _ ByRef lpdwHandle As Long) As Long Private Declare Function pGetFileVersionInfo Lib "version.dll" _ Alias "GetFileVersionInfoW" ( _ ByVal lptstrFilename As String, _ ByVal dwHandle As Long, _ ByVal dwLen As Long, _ lpData As Any) As Long Private Declare Function pVerQueryValue Lib "version.dll" _ Alias "VerQueryValueW" ( _ pBlock As Any, _ ByVal lpSubBlock As String, _ lplpBuffer As Any, _ puLen As Long) As Long Private Declare Function pVerLanguageName Lib "kernel32.dll" _ Alias "VerLanguageNameW" ( _ ByVal wLang As Long, _ ByVal szLang As String, _ ByVal nSize As Long) As Long Private Declare Function plstrlen Lib "kernel32.dll" Alias "lstrlenW" ( _ ByVal lpString As Long) As Long Private Declare Function plstrcpy Lib "kernel32.dll" Alias "lstrcpyW" ( _ ByVal dst As Long, _ ByVal src As Long) As Long #Else Private Declare Function pGetFileVersionInfoSize Lib "version.dll" _ Alias "GetFileVersionInfoSizeA" ( _ ByVal lptstrFilename As String, _ ByRef lpdwHandle As Long) As Long Private Declare Function pGetFileVersionInfo Lib "version.dll" _ Alias "GetFileVersionInfoA" ( _ ByVal lptstrFilename As String, _ ByVal dwHandle As Long, _ ByVal dwLen As Long, _ lpData As Any) As Long Private Declare Function pVerQueryValue Lib "version.dll" _ Alias "VerQueryValueA" ( _ pBlock As Any, _ ByVal lpSubBlock As String, _ lplpBuffer As Any, _ puLen As Long) As Long Private Declare Function pVerLanguageName Lib "kernel32.dll" _ Alias "VerLanguageNameA" ( _ ByVal wLang As Long, _ ByVal szLang As String, _ ByVal nSize As Long) As Long Private Declare Function plstrlen Lib "kernel32.dll" Alias "lstrlenA" ( _ ByVal lpString As Long) As Long Private Declare Function plstrcpy Lib "kernel32.dll" Alias "lstrcpyA" ( _ ByVal dst As Long, _ ByVal src As Long) As Long #End If Private Declare Sub RtlMoveMemory Lib "kernel32.dll" ( _ ByRef pDst As Any, _ ByRef pSrc As Any, _ ByVal Length As Long) Private Const VS_FFI_SIGNATURE = &HFEEF04BD Private Const VS_FFI_STRUCVERSION = &H10000 Private Const VS_FFI_FILEFLAGSMASK = &H3F& Private Const VS_FF_DEBUG = &H1 Private Const VS_FF_PRERELEASE = &H2 Private Const VS_FF_PATCHED = &H4 Private Const VS_FF_PRIVATEBUILD = &H8 Private Const VS_FF_INFOINFERRED = &H10 Private Const VS_FF_SPECIALBUILD = &H20 Private Const VOS_UNKNOWN = &H0 Private Const VOS_DOS = &H10000 Private Const VOS_OS216 = &H20000 Private Const VOS_OS232 = &H30000 Private Const VOS_NT = &H40000 Private Const VOS__BASE = &H0 Private Const VOS__WINDOWS16 = &H1 Private Const VOS__PM16 = &H2 Private Const VOS__PM32 = &H3 Private Const VOS__WINDOWS32 = &H4 Private Const VOS_DOS_WINDOWS16 = &H10001 Private Const VOS_DOS_WINDOWS32 = &H10004 Private Const VOS_OS216_PM16 = &H20002 Private Const VOS_OS232_PM32 = &H30003 Private Const VOS_NT_WINDOWS32 = &H40004 Private Const VFT_UNKNOWN = &H0 Private Const VFT_APP = &H1 Private Const VFT_DLL = &H2 Private Const VFT_DRV = &H3 Private Const VFT_FONT = &H4 Private Const VFT_VXD = &H5 Private Const VFT_STATIC_LIB = &H7 Private Const VFT2_UNKNOWN = &H0 Private Const VFT2_DRV_PRINTER = &H1 Private Const VFT2_DRV_KEYBOARD = &H2 Private Const VFT2_DRV_LANGUAGE = &H3 Private Const VFT2_DRV_DISPLAY = &H4 Private Const VFT2_DRV_MOUSE = &H5 Private Const VFT2_DRV_NETWORK = &H6 Private Const VFT2_DRV_SYSTEM = &H7 Private Const VFT2_DRV_INSTALLABLE = &H8 Private Const VFT2_DRV_SOUND = &H9 Private Const VFT2_DRV_COMM = &HA Private Const VFT2_FONT_RASTER = &H1 Private Const VFT2_FONT_VECTOR = &H2 Private Const VFT2_FONT_TRUETYPE = &H3 Private Const MAX_PATH = 260 'the prefix dw means doubleword 'the versions here are only words so drop the "d" Private Type VS_FIXEDFILEINFO dwSignature As Long wStrucVersionl As Integer ' minor wStrucVersionh As Integer 'major wFileVersionMSl As Integer ' minor wFileVersionMSh As Integer 'major wFileVersionLSl As Integer ' private wFileVersionLSh As Integer ' build wProductVersionMSl As Integer ' minor wProductVersionMSh As Integer 'major wProductVersionLSl As Integer ' private wProductVersionLSh As Integer ' build dwFileFlagsMask As Long dwFileFlags As Long dwFileOS As Long dwFileType As Long dwFileSubtype As Long dwFileDateMS As Long dwFileDateLS As Long End Type Private mComments As String Private mCompanyName As String Private mFileDescription As String Private mVSFileInfo As VS_FIXEDFILEINFO Private mFileName As String Private mFileVersion As String Private mInternalName As String Private mLanguage As String Private mLegalCopyright As String Private mLegalTrademarks As String Private mOriginalFilename As String Private mPrivateBuild As String Private mProductName As String Private mProductVersion As String Private mSpecialBuild As String Friend Sub NewC(StrFileName As String) mFileName = StrFileName End Sub 'in ein Modul ModConstructors kopieren Friend Function New_FileVersionInfo(StrFileName As String) As FileVersionInfo Set New_FileVersionInfo = New FileVersionInfo Call New_FileVersionInfo.NewC(StrFileName) End Function 'Public Shared Function GetVersionInfo(ByVal fileName As String) As System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo Public Function GetVersionInfo(ByVal FileName As String) As FileVersionInfo If (LenB(Dir$(FileName)) = 0) Then MsgBox "FileNotFoundException: " & FileName Exit Function End If Dim num2 As Long Dim info1 As FileVersionInfo num2 = pGetFileVersionInfoSize(FileName, 0) Set info1 = New_FileVersionInfo(FileName) If (num2 = 0) Then Set GetVersionInfo = info1 Exit Function End If Dim buffer1() As Byte Dim numRef1 As Long Dim ptr1 As Long ReDim buffer1(0 To num2 - 1) numRef1 = VarPtr(buffer1(0)) ptr1 = numRef1 If CBool(pGetFileVersionInfo(FileName, 0, num2, ByVal ptr1)) Then Debug.Print buffer1 Dim num3 As Long: num3 = GetVarEntry(ptr1) If Not info1.GetVersionInfoForCodePage(ptr1, ConvertTo8DigitHex(num3)) Then 'Wenn die Sprache nicht geklappt hat, dann noch mit den drei anderen probieren Dim num4, numArray1 numArray1 = Array(&H40904B0, &H40904E4, &H4090000) For Each num4 In numArray1 If (num4 <> num3) Then If info1.GetVersionInfoForCodePage(ptr1, ConvertTo8DigitHex(num4)) Then Exit For End If End If Next End If End If Set GetVersionInfo = info1 End Function 'Private Shared Function ConvertTo8DigitHex(ByVal value As Integer) As String Friend Function ConvertTo8DigitHex(ByVal value As Long) As String Dim StrVal As String: StrVal = Hex$(value) ConvertTo8DigitHex = String$(8 - Len(StrVal), "0") & StrVal End Function 'Private Shared Function GetVarEntry(ByVal memPtr As IntPtr) As Integer Friend Function GetVarEntry(ByVal memPtr As Long) As Long Dim num1 As Long Dim ptr1 As Long If pVerQueryValue(ByVal memPtr, "\VarFileInfo\Translation", ByVal VarPtr(ptr1), num1) Then GetVarEntry = ShL(ReadInt16(ptr1), 16) + CLng(ReadInt16(ptr1, 2)) Exit Function End If GetVarEntry = &H40904E4 '67699940 End Function 'Private Shared Function GetFileVersionLanguage(ByVal memPtr As IntPtr) As String Friend Function GetFileVersionLanguage(ByVal memPtr As Long) As String Dim num1 As Long: num1 = ShR(GetVarEntry(memPtr), 16) Dim buffer As String * 256 Dim L As Long L = pVerLanguageName(num1, buffer, 256) GetFileVersionLanguage = Left$(buffer, L) End Function 'Private Shared Function GetFileVersionString(ByVal memPtr As IntPtr, ByVal name As String) As String Friend Function GetFileVersionString(ByVal memPtr As Long, ByVal Name As String) As String Dim num1 As Long Dim ptr1 As Long If pVerQueryValue(ByVal memPtr, Name, ptr1, num1) Then If (ptr1 <> 0) Then GetFileVersionString = PtrToString(ptr1) End If End If End Function Friend Function GetVersionInfoForCodePage(ByVal memIntPtr As Long, ByVal codepage As String) As Boolean Dim text1 As String text1 = "\\StringFileInfo\\" mCompanyName = GetFileVersionString(memIntPtr, text1 & codepage & "\\" & "CompanyName") mFileDescription = GetFileVersionString(memIntPtr, text1 & codepage & "\\" & "FileDescription") mFileVersion = GetFileVersionString(memIntPtr, text1 & codepage & "\\" & "FileVersion") mInternalName = GetFileVersionString(memIntPtr, text1 & codepage & "\\" & "InternalName") mLegalCopyright = GetFileVersionString(memIntPtr, text1 & codepage & "\\" & "LegalCopyright") mOriginalFilename = GetFileVersionString(memIntPtr, text1 & codepage & "\\" & "OriginalFilename") mProductName = GetFileVersionString(memIntPtr, text1 & codepage & "\\" & "ProductName") mProductVersion = GetFileVersionString(memIntPtr, text1 & codepage & "\\" & "ProductVersion") mComments = GetFileVersionString(memIntPtr, text1 & codepage & "\\" & "Comments") mLegalTrademarks = GetFileVersionString(memIntPtr, text1 & codepage & "\\" & "LegalTrademarks") mPrivateBuild = GetFileVersionString(memIntPtr, text1 & codepage & "\\" & "PrivateBuild") mSpecialBuild = GetFileVersionString(memIntPtr, text1 & codepage & "\\" & "SpecialBuild") mLanguage = GetFileVersionLanguage(memIntPtr) mVSFileInfo = GetFixedFileInfo(memIntPtr) ' mFileMajor = HIWORD(mVSFileInfo.dwFileVersionMS) ' mFileMinor = LOWORD(mVSFileInfo.dwFileVersionMS) ' mFileBuild = HIWORD(mVSFileInfo.dwFileVersionLS) ' mFilePrivate = LOWORD(mVSFileInfo.dwFileVersionLS) ' mProductMajor = HIWORD(mVSFileInfo.dwProductVersionMS) ' mProductMinor = LOWORD(mVSFileInfo.dwProductVersionMS) ' mProductBuild = HIWORD(mVSFileInfo.dwProductVersionLS) ' mProductPrivate = LOWORD(mVSFileInfo.dwProductVersionLS) ' mFileFlags = vs_fixedfileinfo1.dwFileFlags 'Return (Not Me.fileVersion Is String.Empty) GetVersionInfoForCodePage = Not (Len(mFileVersion) = 0) End Function 'Private Shared Function GetFixedFileInfo(ByVal memPtr As IntPtr) As VS_FIXEDFILEINFO Friend Function GetFixedFileInfo(ByVal memPtr As Long) As VS_FIXEDFILEINFO Dim num1 As Long Dim ptr As Long Call pVerQueryValue(ByVal memPtr, "\", ptr, num1) Call PtrToStructure(ptr, VarPtr(GetFixedFileInfo), LenB(GetFixedFileInfo)) End Function '######################' Math '######################' Private Function ShL(n As Integer, c As Long) As Long ShL = n * 2 ^ c End Function Private Function ShR(n As Long, c As Long) As Long ShR = n \ 2 ^ c End Function '######################' Util '######################' 'Private Shared Function HIWORD(ByVal dword As Integer) As Integer Friend Function HIWORD(ByVal n As Long) As Long 'HIWORD = (Math.ShR(n, 16) And 65535) 'oder auch: HIWORD = (n \ 65536) And &HFFFF& End Function 'Private Shared Function LOWORD(ByVal dword As Integer) As Integer Friend Function LOWORD(ByVal n As Long) As Long 'LOWORD = (n And 65535) 'oder auch: LOWORD = n And &HFFFF& End Function '######################' Marshal '######################' Public Function ReadInt16(ByVal ptr As Long, Optional ByVal ofs As Long) As Integer ' pDst , pSrc Call RtlMoveMemory(ByVal VarPtr(ReadInt16), ByVal (ptr + ofs), 2) End Function Public Function PtrToString(ByVal ptr As Long, Optional ByVal sLen As Long) As String If (ptr = 0) Then MsgBox "Marshal.PtrToString: Ptr=Nullpointer" Exit Function End If Dim num1 As Long num1 = plstrlen(ptr) PtrToString = Space$(num1) Call plstrcpy(StrPtr(PtrToString), ptr) #If defUnicode Then 'ist es dann schon der richtige String? MsgBox PtrToString #Else PtrToString = Left$(StrConv(PtrToString, vbUnicode), num1) #End If End Function 'Public Shared Function PtrToStructure(ByVal ptr As System.IntPtr, ' ByVal structureType As System.Type) As Object Public Sub PtrToStructure(ByVal ptr As Long, ByVal pStruct As Long, ByVal LenBStruct As Long) 'hier wird nicht der Pointer übertragen, sondern vielmehr der gesamte Speicherbereich 'in das Objekt structure hineinkopiert Call RtlMoveMemory(ByVal pStruct, ByVal ptr, LenBStruct) End Sub '######################' My Properties '######################' 'Alle Properties sind ReadOnly Public Property Get FileName() As String FileName = mFileName End Property Public Property Get InternalName() As String InternalName = mInternalName End Property Public Property Get OriginalFilename() As String OriginalFilename = mOriginalFilename End Property Public Property Get Comments() As String Comments = mComments End Property Public Property Get CompanyName() As String CompanyName = mCompanyName End Property Public Property Get Language() As String Language = mLanguage End Property Public Property Get LegalCopyright() As String LegalCopyright = mLegalCopyright End Property Public Property Get LegalTrademarks() As String LegalTrademarks = mLegalTrademarks End Property Public Property Get PrivateBuild() As String PrivateBuild = mPrivateBuild End Property Public Property Get SpecialBuild() As String SpecialBuild = mSpecialBuild End Property '######################' Fileversion '######################' Public Property Get FileVersion() As String FileVersion = mFileVersion End Property Public Property Get FileMajorPart() As Long FileMajorPart = CLng(mVSFileInfo.wFileVersionMSh) End Property Public Property Get FileMinorPart() As Long FileMinorPart = CLng(mVSFileInfo.wFileVersionMSl) End Property Public Property Get FileBuildPart() As Long FileBuildPart = CLng(mVSFileInfo.wFileVersionLSh) End Property Public Property Get FilePrivatePart() As Long FilePrivatePart = CLng(mVSFileInfo.wFileVersionLSl) End Property '------------------------------------------------------------------ Public Property Get FileDescription() As String FileDescription = mFileDescription End Property Public Property Get ProductName() As String ProductName = mProductName End Property '------------------------------------------------------------------ '######################' Productversion '######################' Public Property Get ProductVersion() As String ProductVersion = mProductVersion End Property Public Property Get ProductMajorPart() As Long ProductMajorPart = CLng(mVSFileInfo.wProductVersionMSh) End Property Public Property Get ProductMinorPart() As Long ProductMinorPart = CLng(mVSFileInfo.wProductVersionMSl) End Property Public Property Get ProductBuildPart() As Long ProductBuildPart = CLng(mVSFileInfo.wProductVersionLSh) End Property Public Property Get ProductPrivatePart() As Long ProductPrivatePart = CLng(mVSFileInfo.wProductVersionLSl) End Property '######################' Bool Props '######################' 'Public ReadOnly Property IsDebug() As Boolean Public Property Get IsDebug() As Boolean IsDebug = ((mVSFileInfo.dwFileFlags And VS_FF_DEBUG) <> 0) End Property 'Public ReadOnly Property IsPreRelease() As Boolean Public Property Get IsPreRelease() As Boolean IsPreRelease = ((mVSFileInfo.dwFileFlags And VS_FF_PRERELEASE) <> 0) End Property 'Public ReadOnly Property IsPatched() As Boolean Public Property Get IsPatched() As Boolean IsPatched = ((mVSFileInfo.dwFileFlags And VS_FF_PATCHED) <> 0) End Property 'Public ReadOnly Property IsPrivateBuild() As Boolean Public Property Get IsPrivateBuild() As Boolean IsPrivateBuild = ((mVSFileInfo.dwFileFlags And VS_FF_PRIVATEBUILD) <> 0) End Property 'noch ein zusätzliches Property Public Property Get IsInfoInferred() As Boolean IsInfoInferred = ((mVSFileInfo.dwFileFlags And VS_FF_INFOINFERRED) <> 0) End Property 'Public ReadOnly Property IsSpecialBuild() As Boolean Public Property Get IsSpecialBuild() As Boolean IsSpecialBuild = ((mVSFileInfo.dwFileFlags And VS_FF_SPECIALBUILD) <> 0) End Property 'More Additional Properties Public Property Get FileOS() As String Select Case mVSFileInfo.dwFileOS Case VOS_DOS_WINDOWS16: FileOS = "DOS-Win16" Case VOS_DOS_WINDOWS32: FileOS = "DOS-Win32" Case VOS_OS216_PM16: FileOS = "OS/2-16 PM-16" Case VOS_OS232_PM32: FileOS = "OS/2-16 PM-32" Case VOS_NT_WINDOWS32: FileOS = "Win32-NT" Case Else: FileOS = "Unbekannt" End Select End Property Public Property Get FileType() As String Dim STyp As String Select Case mVSFileInfo.dwFileType Case VFT_APP: FileType = "Application" Case VFT_DLL: FileType = "Dynamic Link Library" Case VFT_DRV: FileType = "Driver" Select Case mVSFileInfo.dwFileSubtype Case VFT2_DRV_PRINTER: STyp = "Printer drv" Case VFT2_DRV_KEYBOARD: STyp = "Keyboard drv" Case VFT2_DRV_LANGUAGE: STyp = "Language drv" Case VFT2_DRV_DISPLAY: STyp = "Display drv" Case VFT2_DRV_MOUSE: STyp = "Mouse drv" Case VFT2_DRV_NETWORK: STyp = "Network drv" Case VFT2_DRV_SYSTEM: STyp = "System drv" Case VFT2_DRV_INSTALLABLE: STyp = "Installable" Case VFT2_DRV_SOUND: STyp = "Sound drv" Case VFT2_DRV_COMM: STyp = "Comm drv" Case VFT2_UNKNOWN: STyp = "Unknown" End Select Case VFT_FONT: FileType = "Font" Select Case mVSFileInfo.dwFileSubtype Case VFT2_FONT_RASTER: STyp = "Raster Font" Case VFT2_FONT_VECTOR: STyp = "Vector Font" Case VFT2_FONT_TRUETYPE: STyp = "TrueType Font" End Select Case VFT_VXD: FileType = "VxD" Case VFT_STATIC_LIB: FileType = "Lib" Case Else: FileType = "Unbekannt" End Select If Len(STyp) > 0 Then FileType = FileType & ", " & STyp End Property 'Public Overrides Function ToString() As String Public Function ToString() As String 'Zusammenfassung: ' Gibt eine unvollständige Liste der Eigenschaften in ' System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo und deren Werte zurück. 'Rückgabewerte: ' Eine Liste der folgenden Eigenschaften in dieser Klasse und deren Werte: ' System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo.FileName , ' System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo.InternalName , ' System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo.OriginalFilename , ' System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo.FileVersion , ' System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo.FileDescription , ' System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo.ProductName , ' System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo.ProductVersion , ' System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo.IsDebug , ' System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo.IsPatched , ' System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo.IsPreRelease , ' System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo.IsPrivateBuild , ' System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo.IsSpecialBuild . 'Wenn keine Datei mit dem angegebenen Namen gefunden wurde, enthält diese 'Liste nur den Namen der angeforderten Datei. Boolesche Werte sind auf false 'und alle anderen Einträge auf null festgelegt. ' ' Dim SB As StringBuilder: Set SB = New_StringBuilder(, , , 128) ' Call SB.Append("File: ").Append(mFileName).Append(vbCrLf) ' Call SB.Append("InternalName: ").Append(mInternalName).Append(vbCrLf) ' Call SB.Append("OriginalFilename: ").Append(mOriginalFilename).Append(vbCrLf) ' Call SB.Append("FileVersion: ").Append(mFileVersion).Append(vbCrLf) ' Call SB.Append("FileDescription: ").Append(mFileDescription).Append(vbCrLf) ' Call SB.Append("Product: ").Append(mProductName).Append(vbCrLf) ' Call SB.Append("ProductVersion: ").Append(mProductVersion).Append(vbCrLf) ' Call SB.Append("Debug: ").Append(CStr(Me.IsDebug)).Append(vbCrLf) ' Call SB.Append("Patched: ").Append(CStr(Me.IsPatched)).Append(vbCrLf) ' Call SB.Append("PreRelease: ").Append(CStr(Me.IsPreRelease)).Append(vbCrLf) ' Call SB.Append("PrivateBuild: ").Append(CStr(Me.IsPrivateBuild)).Append(vbCrLf) ' Call SB.Append("SpecialBuild: ").Append(CStr(Me.IsSpecialBuild)).Append(vbCrLf) ' Call SB.Append("Language: ").Append(Me.Language).Append(vbCrLf) ' ToString = SB.ToString ' 'If you have StringBuilder anyway, and need for speed, ok use the upper part. 'well, but we can make it also a bit more independent from other stuff, as 'speed does'nt matter, so use the part below here: ToString = ToString & "File: " & mFileName & vbCrLf ToString = ToString & "InternalName: " & mInternalName & vbCrLf ToString = ToString & "OriginalFilename: " & mOriginalFilename & vbCrLf ToString = ToString & "FileVersion: " & mFileVersion & vbCrLf ToString = ToString & "FileDescription: " & mFileDescription & vbCrLf ToString = ToString & "Product: " & mProductName & vbCrLf ToString = ToString & "ProductVersion: " & mProductVersion & vbCrLf ToString = ToString & "Debug: " & CStr(Me.IsDebug) & vbCrLf ToString = ToString & "Patched: " & CStr(Me.IsPatched) & vbCrLf ToString = ToString & "PreRelease: " & CStr(Me.IsPreRelease) & vbCrLf ToString = ToString & "PrivateBuild: " & CStr(Me.IsPrivateBuild) & vbCrLf ToString = ToString & "SpecialBuild: " & CStr(Me.IsSpecialBuild) & vbCrLf ToString = ToString & "Language: " & Me.Language & vbCrLf ToString = ToString & "InfoInferred: " & CStr(Me.IsInfoInferred) & vbCrLf ToString = ToString & "FileVInt: " & Me.FileMajorPart & "." & _ Me.FileMinorPart & "." & Me.FileBuildPart & "." & Me.FilePrivatePart & vbCrLf ToString = ToString & "ProdVInt: " & Me.ProductMajorPart & "." & _ Me.ProductMinorPart & "." & Me.ProductBuildPart & "." & Me.ProductPrivatePart & vbCrLf ToString = ToString & "FileType: " & Me.FileType & vbCrLf ToString = ToString & "FileOS: " & Me.FileOS End Function '--- Ende Klasse "FileVersionInfo" alias FileVersionInfo.cls --- '--------- Ende Projektdatei vbpFileVersionInfo.vbp ---------
Windows/VB-Version | Win32s | Win95 | Win98 | WinME | WinNT4 | Win2000 | WinXP |
VB4 | |||||||
VB5 | |||||||
VB6 |
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Kommentar von Albert am 12.03.2007 um 15:40
Die Funktion macht Probleme wenn eine (Teil-) Versionsnummer größer ist als 2^15. zB. bei 2.0.50727.42 der Datei:
Es wird 2.0-14809.42 angezeigt. Liegt am Zweierkomplement. Im Programm wird ein signed Integer verwendet der Unsigned sein sollte. (Zumindest das LowerWord sollte unsigned sein.)
Kommentar von Oliver Meye am 26.08.2003 um 15:37
Super Tipp 0267 !!
doch unter Eigenschaften->Version->Versionsinformation gibt es noch eine ganze Liste an Informationen, wie komm ich an diese heran? z.B.: "Firma", "Interner Name", "Originaldateiname" etc.
Kommentar von SNAPE am 03.12.2002 um 09:52
Achtung, möglicherweise Fehlverhalten bei unterschiedlich langer File-/Productversion:
Ist z.B. die FileVersion: und die Productversion 3.20, dann liefert diese Funktion bzw. das Beispielprojekt als Productversion trotzdem zurück.
Falls jemand einen workaround oder gar die Lösung des Problems weiß, wär ich natürlich für 'ne kurze Mail sehr dankbar.
Kommentar von Ing. Andreas Kren am 24.07.2002 um 18:40
Wie immer alles perfekt, ein grosses Lob an Eure Seite und (wieder mal) Vielen Dank!
Kommentar von Thorsten Wehler am 21.06.2002 um 12:51
Wieso wird Buff als Array in der Größe der Versionsinfo dimensioniert, wenn dann doch nur das erste Element verwendet wird?
Kommentar von Helmut Gubo am 19.03.2002 um 13:06
Wie kann ich die "Dateiinfo Kommentar" einer *.xls von VB aus auslesen?
Kommentar von Patrick am 08.11.2001 um 11:52
Wie ist es möglich die Eigenschaften eines Avifiles auszulesen? Also Videoformat und Audioformat?
Diese Sachen stehen im Eigenschaftsdialog unter Details.
Kommentar von Andreas Reiter am 02.11.2001 um 11:40
Dieses Beispiel ist richtig gut!
Kommentar von Michael Nordhoff am 18.02.2001 um 19:52
Wie ist es möglich, Informationen von *.rpt (Crystal Reports) Dateien zu erhalten ?